Tuesday 16 June 2020

the Iconic

of (European) Icons.

of Concession.

the European Playwright.

the European Union.

of Europe * Europa.

Thursday 11 June 2020


of Cobalt.

Modern Europe.

the European Element: the Europeanized + the Elemental.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Thursday 19 March 2015

Neo-Arthurian Europe

Neo-Arthurian Europe.

In closing up, this entry now, does attempt to associate, Europe, and with the very word Democracy too. In understanding all this better,  the very belief now that, European History, and in speak too, and of a said agreeable argument in all here, can be said to have a trajectory to it, simple in its ways, and that does speak of the following: the Kingdom/Princedom, European Republican Thought (and in speak too of the Netherlands, Revolutionary Europe/France, and of the Austro-Hungarian Empire too), European Militarism (WW1, and onwards to WW2), European Communist/Socialist/Capitalist Thought [and in speak of Europe today, and as defined and in speak of its Media, EU, too that is]. This entry or Blog though, now does attempt to speak too of an European Democracy, and that does in all even specifically, speak of the Internet and Europe too that is.

In understanding all this truly better, perhaps now, speak too, and of a game of chance, and if not speak of Russian Roulette too for instance, and that does associate European Power Politics in all, and with speak too of many an outside Influence that is. That European History, has been shaped by many a said force, social too, and that does speak too of Ancient Britain, Spain, the Scandinavia, Italy, and speak too of Russia in itself that is [and of the Cold War too perhaps]. That while this Blog, does in all even associate the Scandinavia, and as now said truly influential, and on matters dealing with European Culture, speak now of a European Democracy, now does speak too of Europe and Italy that is.

In having said all this, that this very Blog, now does speak too of an European Democracy, and that does in all even though, speak of the Internet too, and as said a major Power Player (and not Key-Player either), and in speak now and of the very manner in all again, one does choose to perceive European History, and from a said Political manner too that is [and not that said Conventional truly either].

1. The History of Colloquial Speech in Europe.

2. The History of the Flanders Region.

3. The History of Disease in Europe (and in speak too of Pneumonia/Influenza that is).

4. The History of Northern Ireland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein.

Monday 29 December 2014

European Attitudes

European Attitudes.

In this entry, and with my now finalizing the very Contents of this Blog and in many a way too, I will simply attempt, to spell out, the very purpose of this Blog in itself, and as with it all even said to speak of European Attitudes, and in speak too of Formalities that is, and towards life in itself. That for many who do visit Europe in all, and whether it be, the West African Student, the East Asian Cultural Exchange Student, the Southeast Asian Graduate Student, or speak even and of a said Minority from North America too, first off, an introduction here, and to Europe, and as it did manifest or play out, and in an Ancestral fashion too, and in speak now, and of the name of (King) Arthur too that is.

That this Blog, does in all even speak and of whom/who in all, Europeans are, and in Attitude and Formalities, and such that, attempts and in making many a social contact, and with Europeans, believed said to simply fall to the side, and in speak now of European Culture, and as simply said truly defined, and in speak of Contact that is. That for most, Europe, still remains hidden, and unless the proper Contact(s) in all, is made, and in speak too here perhaps, and of that Visitor to Europe, and who does truly care not, and to know too much of anyone, but truly in all again, simply wishes to learn something of themselves, and in regard, and to speak of Self-Enhancement for instance. That it in all, this very Blog that is, now introduces one, and to the making of Contact, and that does speak of Enhancement in itself, and in speak too now, and of one and as said transformed, and in a forthright, proper or fulfilling manner/perspective too in all, and by their European Experience, and as with it in all even said to speak, and of what does constitute for Happiness or Joy, and if not Satisfaction in itself, and in Europe too, and in an Europe in all again, now said very much defined and by speak of proper Contact, Formalities, and in speak too, and of maintaining European Royal Sensibilities that is.

In all, the very belief here that, Europe, still does offer many an opportunity and in speak of Transformation, and in speak too of Pride, and that does in all even speak of French-English Culture, and as truly said appropriate for most said visiting Europe in all (and without the proper Contacts too), and as in now truly associating this Blog, and with the European University System, and in speak too now, and of many an European University Student Club that is.

Thursday 12 June 2014



The Giant Teddy Bear.



Goodwill, and as with it all even speaking of the Victorian/Brit/Britain in all, and further speak too and of the birth of the English speaking World, and as a Political Entity, and as centered and in speak of the UK too, but in many a way truly, speak even and of the birth of Modern/Western Industry, and as having a basis on/in Goodwill that is.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

The Farewell

The Farewell.

Christology and Modernist Europe:

To in all ways even speak of Modernist Europe, is to perhaps in all again, acquaint it all, and with speak too, and of Royal/Royalist mentalities, and as found in Europe today that is. To understand all this better, is to perhaps speak and of just how Abyssinia in all, and speak too of Prester John, did in all ways even, come to shape the History of Europe that is.

To understand this better, and as speaking even and of the History of the Moor in Europe, and further speak too and of Europe and as said truly Canonized in all [and further speak too and of the Making of Europe that is], does speak even and of just how Elitist Mentalities in all, have come to ruin Europe, and as with it all speaking even, and of life and as lived, and as going along and with the term/phrase 'The Farewell' [and as with it truly speaking, and of life and as truly lived out that is]. In all, while it was Abyssinia/Byzantine, that did in all make many an European, truly in all again start to believe, that life was best lived and as based around speak of 'The Farewell', and as versus speak of European Identity and as truly grounded in all and in speak of Ritual too, or even Aesthetical Public/Private Presentations, or in many a way too, speak of Vikings, the Scandinavia and European Family Identity too in all, it was Abyssinia on the otherhand, and that did truly probably introduce in all again, the very Belief in all that, that European life was best lived and in speak of 'The Farewell' too, and as with it even speaking and of the Deceased, and further speak too, and of European History in all, and as said lived even, and 'Through the Times' that is [and speak even here perhaps, and of the recording of European History, and in speak of Phases and Wisdom too actually].

In all again, Royalist Mentalities, and as said even to go along and with speak of life and as lived out in the form of 'The Farewell', and which has perhaps in all again, truly sidetracked just what European life is truly all about, and as with it today best perceived and from speak of Family Identity, Vikings and the Scandinavia in general, and as the very world of 'The Farewell', did actually in many a way, lead to the very world of Revolutionary France and the Ancien Regime too, and speak even and of the very world of Dickens too in all, and as said by some to speak of 'The Farewell', and to a life well loved and cherished (the name Europe), and as with Europe now, said torn apart, and in Sentiment too, and as with regards to just how best to Proceed in all [and as with regards to speak of Social Identity, and the speak too in all again, and of France and England and as said as one that is].

Annie Lennox ---- Why


'the Moor'

Sunday 8 June 2014



Musketeer, and speak of European History, and as viewed from speak of Legacy, and Beneficiaries too that is.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Feudal Europe

Feudal Europe.

Feudal Europe, and as with it even speaking of European Tribal Identities in all, and speak too in all perhaps, and of Europeans and as Oppressors [and further speak too even of Suppression or Repression too] [and speak even of Europeans in all, and as Colonialists or Slaverists that is], but in all ways perhaps, speak even and of European Law in all, and as grounded in all again, and in speak of Regression too that is.

Friday 30 May 2014

Wednesday 28 May 2014

The European Museum

The European Museum.

The European Museum, and as with it even referring and to the troubling fact in all that, Europe, does not have to it, a proper Archaeology or Anthropology too, and that European Identity in all again, is not grounded and in speak of Ritual & Worship that is, but in all truly even, and in speak of the Epigenetic too actually.