Friday 23 November 2012

The Shadow Archetype

Boyfriend & Girlfriend.

The Shadow Archetype, hereby doe refer to, issues pertaining to self-doubt and doubt in itself too, and as with speak truly even, and of facing ones Anxieties and Phobias too respectively.

In many a way, a new way of doing all this, is via perhaps, the creating of a simple Boyfriend & Girlfriend relationship and which in all again, has its very main purpose, and of exposing ones own Anxieties and Phobias too, and then attempting to defeat them in all, and with no help from ones partner either that is. This, as versus contemporary Boyfriend and Girlfriend relationships, which in many ways, are all about creating/becoming mates, and a form of creating relationships too, rather Rural in its ways actually.

In many a way, nothing much new exposed here, just as most out there, are truly aware that Nicole Scherzinger, is not Kim Kardashian at all, is to then therefore mention in all that, I, Godric, 'Prince' too that is, would like to state that, 'the House of Meredith', is to find its proper home in all, and with time too, in Belarus, Minsk too, and in many a way even, cordially invite Scarlett above, and to be a part of all this, new Royal House that is, 'the House of Meredith';. H.R.H Scarlette Meredith {and all this too, for the people of Belarus, to agree on, and not the Blogger by himself either}.

One more thing, the Prince himself Godric, does consider himself an expert in anything having to do with Publishing/Media, and in many a way too, does hope to screenwrite a Movie in all, with Scarlett & Gentildonna in it too (with the latter being Natalie Portman that is), and that could very well too, win an Oscar that is.


Godric (Prince)

Tuesday 20 November 2012



probably Europe's most popular Prince


probably the most popular of Europe's Princes


probably the most princely, of all Princes in Europe

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Italian Dance

Italian Dance.

Italian Dance, and not Russian or American either.