Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, is in many a way said to be an acclaimed French masterwork in all that is. This is true in many a way, but it in many a way too, it can very well be perceived and from a differing perspective or context too that is. That for some, the Hunchback of Notre-Dame, speaks of the creating in all, and of a genuine French Identity, and as based around Emotion too, and its expression that is. For others, it all speaks of the History of the City of Paris, and as breaking away, and from its Greek/Roman origins, but in many a way too, it all speaking of a Paris in all, and that did very much differ, and from Paris and as said Napoleanic too that is [that Napolean, was more of a Parisian figure, and as compared to his being perceived truly even, and as being truly French that is].

However though, there is a way of viewing the Hunchback of Notre-Dame, and from the very perspective and of the Prose that does go with it all. That the Hunchback of Notre-Dame, can in many a way be said, and as with speak of Prose too, to have given birth to the very world of French News Media (and as with speak of a Gazette or two), and as with saying that, speak of France and at a Civilizational level too in all, does speak even and of the News Media in it (and if not other Media too), and as having the same Prose in all, and such as that seen in the Hunchback of Notre-Dame too, and as with saying that, anything that is said to happen in France, and believed significant too, can only be said to be as such, Significant that is, and if its Prose in all, or that which does go with it all that is, does meet that seen in the Hunchback of Notre-Dame actually.


Friday 24 January 2014

The Place to Be

The Place to Be.

For many a Traditionalist European, and who does truly wonder just what to make of America, and as with speak even of truly fitting in into the place (and as a 'native' too), is to not associate America in all again, and with Bi-Lateral Trade relations for instance, but instead, with American Sayings, and especially that which does say 'The Place to Be' [and as with this primarily even, referring to Richmond, and (in) Washington State too that is].

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Uppsala Universitet

Uppsala Universitet.

Those in Europe, have obviously heard of the Nobel Prizes. They in many a way are said in all, to have originated, and with the appraising in all again, and of Alfred Nobel, and as the said discoverer in all, and of Dynamite too that is. In many a way, the Nobel Prizes, and as coming to symbolize Excellence in all, and in a manner that the Scandinavia, or the Nordic Countries too that is, would probably define it all actually.

In all though, the key to truly knowing about the Nobel Prizes is that, they don't award in all again, Praises that is, and to a problem proven in all (and as with actually proving something logically that is), but that in all ways even, the Nobel Prizes as awarded in all again, are truly awarded, and for truly showing in all again that, one does truly know what they are talking about, and by truly in all again, presenting something in all, and in a manner that does suggest in all that, one truly knows what they are talking about (and as with truly knowing it), and not simply believes it [and as with the case of logically proving something that is].

While in recent times, the Nobel Prizes in all, have come to be associated with American Universities and such as MIT or Stanford too, and in many a way too perhaps, speaking even, and of German Technical Research too, one does find that, the Nobel Prizes in all, and in spirit too, do actually go with Research, and as has traditionally been seen in all, and not in KTH University and in Stockholm too, but in all ways even, with Research and as traditionally seen, and in Uppsala Universitet and in Uppsala, Sweden too [and as with all this even, referring to Carl Linnaeus Gustav that is].

Uppsala Universitet: