Wednesday 5 February 2014

The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom of the Opera.

European Identity & the Modern Times:

Many a question in all, and as with speak even of European Media in all again, does attempt to truly question, what does constitute in all and for Modern European Identities too that is. This in many a way does not speak of Culture actually, and as with speak even of Social/Cultural Identities too, but in many a way truly, speak even, and of just how Europeans in all again, should best Order their lives, and as with further speak even of Everyday Routines that is. On perceiving Europe in this manner, one does in many a way even, refer to Europe and as perceived even from its Energy needs, its Politics (Political symbolism), and even its International Image too that is [and as with speak even of Immigrants into Europe actually].

To begin answering the question and on just how best for Europeans in all, Traditionalist too, and as with speak even of singular Mindsets in all (Europeans who like to stick to themselves), to best view Europe today, and as functionable too, and offering many an opportunity even (and in Expression too perhaps), is to speak of the many Political entities in all, and that have come to define European Culture today that is.

The first of these, does speak even and of viewing Europe, and from the perspective of the UK that is. That the UK (United Kingdom), and as with it all even a Media too, is believed to have more sophisticated in all, Social and Political Images, and as compared to the rest of Europe too that is [and as with this even associating the UK in all, and with English too, and the rest of Europe, and with their Native Non-English Languages that is] [and all this too, and as referring even to what does constitute for Modern European Accents, and as with British Accents too, now considered European, when British English in all, is actually more or less somewhat even, African in its ways actually].

The second of these, does view Europe in all, and from speak only of England, and as with it said defined by the English peoples of England in all, and as with they even creating Identity somewhat, and along with North America (the United States and Canada), Australia, and even speak of Japan too somewhat [and as with some of these peoples now considered European too that is] [and as with all this even, speaking of viewing Europe today, and from the very perspective of its peoples, and as said White and Non-White too that is].

The third of these, does view Europe in all, and from speak of England and France too, and which in all ways even does speak of viewing Europe, and from Racial superiority myths in all, and as with those in England and France considered racially superior to others, but in many a way too, speak of viewing Europe, racially too, and as consisting of Ireland/Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland (and as with they even believed racially in all, and to speak of Ancient Britain), the Portuguese, Spain, the Scandinavia, the Germans, the Russians, and the rest of Europe too actually [and a way of viewing Europe in all, popular too, and during its Communist years that is].

The fourth of these, does speak in all and of viewing Europe, and from the very perspective of Germany in all, and as with this even speaking of Europe and as a Technological base of a kind too (and further speak even of the world of Modern European Research that is ), and as with all this even speaking of viewing Europe, and from the very perspective of Germany, the Scandinavia, Russia (and its Academics), and also the rest of Europe too actually [and further speak even and of the EU too that is]. 

The fifth of these, does speak even and of viewing Europe surprisingly enough, and from the very perspective of Spain, Ireland, Russia and the rest of Europe too, and as with this even speaking of viewing Europe in all, and from its Cities too actually [and its Modern Architecture in many a way too that is].

The sixth of these, does speak even and of viewing Europe in all, and from the perspective of the Netherlands in all again, and as with this even speaking of viewing the Inhabitants of Europe, and from speak even and of the Netherlands, Historical Byzantine Europe, Immigrants to Europe, and also Italy too, and as now said a part of Europe too that is [and at the very least even, and from speak of the Church that is] [and as with Italy Historically too, connecting to Europe, and via Britain, the Netherlands and even speak of the Celts too that is].

This entry though, does in many a way even speak of a new way of viewing Europe, and from the very perspective of the Scandinavia too actually [and as with it even believed to open one up, and to all kinds of Opportunity that is]. That it is believed that those in Europe today, Traditionalist too, and as with speak even of Liechtenstein too perhaps, can benefit in all, and as with speak truly even of simply Ordering ones life beneficially, and as with further speak even of noticing opportunity everywhere that is [and as with Europe in all again, and as with speak even of disunity or disorder even, speaking truly and of just how society in all again is Ordered, and as versus speak of how its Organized that is].

In all, it does speak of viewing the Scandinavia, and from the very perspective of its regional Countries in all, and as with speak even of Scandinavian Identity, and as coming to influence the rest of Europe in many a way too that is. In many a way, all this does speak even and of just how the Scandinavia in all, does truly connect even, and to the rest of Europe that is. That first off, Sweden, is falsely believed the very home even, and of Scandinavian Languages, when in reality, Scandinavian Languages and Communications too, very much speak of Finland actually. In many a way too, Sweden again, and as considered the home of the Nordic Countries, when in reality, what they do term Nordic in all, actually does speak even of Scandinavian Materiality too, and as with it even arising with the Norse world in all that is, and as with the Norse too in all again, speaking of Denmark actually. You also do have Norway, and in many a way truly even, speaking of Scandinavians and as said a People too in all, and as with all this even falsely believed to speak of Swedens Immigration Policy, when in reality, the Scandinavians, and as a People, are very much Norway in all that is. Finally, Sweden in all, and as truly Celt and Pict/Scot, and as with this even not only speaking of its History, but in many a way even, speak of Sweden, and as in many a way too, bringing change to the rest of the Scandinavia, and not only as Celt in all (or Scand. truly even), but also speak in many a way and of Loki too [and the Scots and Picts that is]. In all, and as perhaps many failing to have realized all this, Men in Sweden, and as somewhat Celt in behaviour, and Women in Sweden, and as somewhat Pict/Scot in behaviour that is [that in all again, Innovation in Europe today, is best believed Scand. actually].

Having stated the above, does speak even and of a novel way of viewing Europe, and very much Scand. too, and which does in all ways even speak of viewing Europe, and from the terms Britain, Europe, Europa and even Continental Europe too. In all, the term Britain, and as also connecting Sweden to England in all, and as with all this referring even, and to the creating of Intellectual and Cultured Images of oneself, and as with speak of Intellect too that is, and as with Britain here for instance, also speaking of the City of Bordeaux in France that is [and as compared in all, and to speak of present day European Royalty that is]. Then you do have Europe, and a term today and which can be associated and with the world of European Art, and which in many a way does speak also of Norway in all, and as believed today much more superior in their ways perhaps, and as with speak even of Art, and in all ways even, further speak too, and of all sorts of European Images that is [and as with the Phantom of the Opera, very much today even, believed to speak of Political and Social European Images that is]. You then do have Europa, and the very world too of Traditional European Religion, and as with speak even of many a God and Goddess too, and as with the Traditionalist European today, best basically thinking Aphrodite and as with regards to all this [and not Europa truly either], and as with Traditional European Religions, best perceived even, and from speak of highly Individual beliefs that is, and all this too, and as centered around Denmark in all ways actually. Finally in all again, speak of Finland and Scandinavian Communications and Languages, and as with Scandinavian Communications, believed superior and to those to be found within most of Europe today, and as with this even speaking somewhat of Prussian Sweden (and Gothenburg too), but in many a way, Finland in all, and as seen as ones connection and to what some do term Continental Europe too [or speak even of places bordering Europe in all, and as somewhat in all again truly Greek in their ways that is].

To end all this though, is to say that, the Blogger here in all, is actually blogging from Christian Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and as with they even viewing Europe and from a more or less an ancient perspective, and as with it said even to speak of Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, France, Western Europe, Central Europe and also Eastern Europe too that is. In all though, Christian Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and as connecting to Europe and via Liechtenstein too, and with further speak even of Kenya (or Kenia truly even), viewing in all Norway actually, and as most similar to European presences/cultures in Kenia that is.

Tiny Toons

Tiny Toons.

Worldly Humour, the Traditionalist European, and speak even of Liechtenstein too.

Sunday 2 February 2014



Euro-Glam, and as with it even speaking of a culture in all, and that does appear to mesh the cultures of England, France, Germany and even the Netherlands too, and in a more or less glamorous (popular) format that is, and as with it all even actually speaking of Liechtenstein actually, but in many a way in all again, and as with helping put this culture into perspective, speaking of European perspectives on the Shadow Archetype actually, and as with speak in all again, and of dealing with issues or matters and as pertaining, and to the Projecting of many a Shadow Archetype issue/matter in all that is, and onto others actually [and as with speak even of what some do term Syndromes in all actually].