Saturday 18 April 2015

Thursday 19 March 2015

Neo-Arthurian Europe

Neo-Arthurian Europe.

In closing up, this entry now, does attempt to associate, Europe, and with the very word Democracy too. In understanding all this better,  the very belief now that, European History, and in speak too, and of a said agreeable argument in all here, can be said to have a trajectory to it, simple in its ways, and that does speak of the following: the Kingdom/Princedom, European Republican Thought (and in speak too of the Netherlands, Revolutionary Europe/France, and of the Austro-Hungarian Empire too), European Militarism (WW1, and onwards to WW2), European Communist/Socialist/Capitalist Thought [and in speak of Europe today, and as defined and in speak of its Media, EU, too that is]. This entry or Blog though, now does attempt to speak too of an European Democracy, and that does in all even specifically, speak of the Internet and Europe too that is.

In understanding all this truly better, perhaps now, speak too, and of a game of chance, and if not speak of Russian Roulette too for instance, and that does associate European Power Politics in all, and with speak too of many an outside Influence that is. That European History, has been shaped by many a said force, social too, and that does speak too of Ancient Britain, Spain, the Scandinavia, Italy, and speak too of Russia in itself that is [and of the Cold War too perhaps]. That while this Blog, does in all even associate the Scandinavia, and as now said truly influential, and on matters dealing with European Culture, speak now of a European Democracy, now does speak too of Europe and Italy that is.

In having said all this, that this very Blog, now does speak too of an European Democracy, and that does in all even though, speak of the Internet too, and as said a major Power Player (and not Key-Player either), and in speak now and of the very manner in all again, one does choose to perceive European History, and from a said Political manner too that is [and not that said Conventional truly either].

1. The History of Colloquial Speech in Europe.

2. The History of the Flanders Region.

3. The History of Disease in Europe (and in speak too of Pneumonia/Influenza that is).

4. The History of Northern Ireland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein.