Monday 23 September 2013

European Boots

European Boots.

Europe today, does struggle in all, and with just how to go about creating a core Identity in all again, and to represent Europe and at the National level, and even at the International level too. In all ways though, speak of Europe and at the National level, also does speak of European Languages & Accents, and as with many an immigrant/minority even, struggling in all, to become fully European, and via Parliamentary representation too, and rather than the route of truly knowing European Languages & Accents that is.

To speak of Europe at an International level though (and even at a Continental level too), is to speak in all ways even, and of Europe today struggling to create a Material Identity in all, and as with speak even of not only Europeans exporting European Materiality and to places outside Europe too, but in all ways even, of Europe today creating Class differences in all, and as based around Modernist European Materiality too [and as with this furtherly speaking of Elitist groups in Europe, associating themselves in all, and with Materiality in all again, and similar to that seen in Nazi Germany too that is].

For those though and who do seek out a Traditional lifestyle and in Europe too, and as propounded in all and by the 'House of Meredith' too actually, is to tell them that the main form of Materiality in all and that they do so wish to seek out (and as with this representative and of a Core European Identity too), are none other than traditional European Boots actually [and as with they even the centerpiece in all, and when thinking of Materiality in Europe today, and as with they even truly European actually, and not Western either, and with Italy on the otherhand, differing from Europe and as with regards to all this, and as with Italy traditionally too, defined in all and by Leather Boots too actually].