Monday 29 December 2014

European Attitudes

European Attitudes.

In this entry, and with my now finalizing the very Contents of this Blog and in many a way too, I will simply attempt, to spell out, the very purpose of this Blog in itself, and as with it all even said to speak of European Attitudes, and in speak too of Formalities that is, and towards life in itself. That for many who do visit Europe in all, and whether it be, the West African Student, the East Asian Cultural Exchange Student, the Southeast Asian Graduate Student, or speak even and of a said Minority from North America too, first off, an introduction here, and to Europe, and as it did manifest or play out, and in an Ancestral fashion too, and in speak now, and of the name of (King) Arthur too that is.

That this Blog, does in all even speak and of whom/who in all, Europeans are, and in Attitude and Formalities, and such that, attempts and in making many a social contact, and with Europeans, believed said to simply fall to the side, and in speak now of European Culture, and as simply said truly defined, and in speak of Contact that is. That for most, Europe, still remains hidden, and unless the proper Contact(s) in all, is made, and in speak too here perhaps, and of that Visitor to Europe, and who does truly care not, and to know too much of anyone, but truly in all again, simply wishes to learn something of themselves, and in regard, and to speak of Self-Enhancement for instance. That it in all, this very Blog that is, now introduces one, and to the making of Contact, and that does speak of Enhancement in itself, and in speak too now, and of one and as said transformed, and in a forthright, proper or fulfilling manner/perspective too in all, and by their European Experience, and as with it in all even said to speak, and of what does constitute for Happiness or Joy, and if not Satisfaction in itself, and in Europe too, and in an Europe in all again, now said very much defined and by speak of proper Contact, Formalities, and in speak too, and of maintaining European Royal Sensibilities that is.

In all, the very belief here that, Europe, still does offer many an opportunity and in speak of Transformation, and in speak too of Pride, and that does in all even speak of French-English Culture, and as truly said appropriate for most said visiting Europe in all (and without the proper Contacts too), and as in now truly associating this Blog, and with the European University System, and in speak too now, and of many an European University Student Club that is.

Thursday 12 June 2014



The Giant Teddy Bear.



Goodwill, and as with it all even speaking of the Victorian/Brit/Britain in all, and further speak too and of the birth of the English speaking World, and as a Political Entity, and as centered and in speak of the UK too, but in many a way truly, speak even and of the birth of Modern/Western Industry, and as having a basis on/in Goodwill that is.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

The Farewell

The Farewell.

Christology and Modernist Europe:

To in all ways even speak of Modernist Europe, is to perhaps in all again, acquaint it all, and with speak too, and of Royal/Royalist mentalities, and as found in Europe today that is. To understand all this better, is to perhaps speak and of just how Abyssinia in all, and speak too of Prester John, did in all ways even, come to shape the History of Europe that is.

To understand this better, and as speaking even and of the History of the Moor in Europe, and further speak too and of Europe and as said truly Canonized in all [and further speak too and of the Making of Europe that is], does speak even and of just how Elitist Mentalities in all, have come to ruin Europe, and as with it all speaking even, and of life and as lived, and as going along and with the term/phrase 'The Farewell' [and as with it truly speaking, and of life and as truly lived out that is]. In all, while it was Abyssinia/Byzantine, that did in all make many an European, truly in all again start to believe, that life was best lived and as based around speak of 'The Farewell', and as versus speak of European Identity and as truly grounded in all and in speak of Ritual too, or even Aesthetical Public/Private Presentations, or in many a way too, speak of Vikings, the Scandinavia and European Family Identity too in all, it was Abyssinia on the otherhand, and that did truly probably introduce in all again, the very Belief in all that, that European life was best lived and in speak of 'The Farewell' too, and as with it even speaking and of the Deceased, and further speak too, and of European History in all, and as said lived even, and 'Through the Times' that is [and speak even here perhaps, and of the recording of European History, and in speak of Phases and Wisdom too actually].

In all again, Royalist Mentalities, and as said even to go along and with speak of life and as lived out in the form of 'The Farewell', and which has perhaps in all again, truly sidetracked just what European life is truly all about, and as with it today best perceived and from speak of Family Identity, Vikings and the Scandinavia in general, and as the very world of 'The Farewell', did actually in many a way, lead to the very world of Revolutionary France and the Ancien Regime too, and speak even and of the very world of Dickens too in all, and as said by some to speak of 'The Farewell', and to a life well loved and cherished (the name Europe), and as with Europe now, said torn apart, and in Sentiment too, and as with regards to just how best to Proceed in all [and as with regards to speak of Social Identity, and the speak too in all again, and of France and England and as said as one that is].

Annie Lennox ---- Why


'the Moor'

Sunday 8 June 2014



Musketeer, and speak of European History, and as viewed from speak of Legacy, and Beneficiaries too that is.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Feudal Europe

Feudal Europe.

Feudal Europe, and as with it even speaking of European Tribal Identities in all, and speak too in all perhaps, and of Europeans and as Oppressors [and further speak too even of Suppression or Repression too] [and speak even of Europeans in all, and as Colonialists or Slaverists that is], but in all ways perhaps, speak even and of European Law in all, and as grounded in all again, and in speak of Regression too that is.

Friday 30 May 2014

Wednesday 28 May 2014

The European Museum

The European Museum.

The European Museum, and as with it even referring and to the troubling fact in all that, Europe, does not have to it, a proper Archaeology or Anthropology too, and that European Identity in all again, is not grounded and in speak of Ritual & Worship that is, but in all truly even, and in speak of the Epigenetic too actually.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Europe vs. the EU

Europe vs. the EU

When one does speak of Europe, or even the EU in all, they are in many a way, speaking of Europe and as a Continent too, and whose Identity in all again, is truly defined and by speak too, and of Consciousness that is. That the term Europe, is in many a way, loaded/tinged and with many an element to it, and that does not only speak of a Scottish Broth for instance, but that in all ways even, speaks of Consciousness, layered too perhaps, and as said to speak of Body Consciousness [and speak even of European Architecture and European (Country) Names too], Ritual & Worship, European Intellect, European Philosophy, European Renaissance Art, European Heraldry, European Tongues (and with Cornish said the foremost of these), and finally in all again, speak even perhaps, and of European Boots too that is [and with Musketeer Boots, probably the most prized of them all].

All the above too, and as compared to speak of Europe today, and as the EU too, and which does basically even define Consciousness, and from speak too, and of European societies, and as perceived and from speak in all and of Disorientation, Disillusionment, and even Disappointment in itself too that is [and further speak even and of the Scottish Kilt in all that is].

Tuesday 20 May 2014



European Psychosomatic Identity [and as with further speak here even, and of the Modern Times, and Alienable figures too that is].

Saturday 17 May 2014

Private Museum Collections

Private Museum Collections.

An Integrative approach in all, and to the History of (The United States of) America, and as with it even speaking of Americans as a People, and all this too, and as speaking even and of the Traditionalist European today, and who does in all tend, to create Identity, and as based around speak of Europeans and as a People too that is.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen.

Henrik Ibsen, and speak even of, Underlying Currents in all, and in Europe today that is, and as versus speak of European Trends that is [and as with it all determining in all again, European perspectives, and on the Future, and as said referring even, and to speak of the Post-Humous that is].



A land/place of Smells/'Scones', and not Sights/'Jewels' either (and as seen/found in the rest or most of Europe too that is).

Friday 9 May 2014

European Ideologies

European Ideologies.

To speak of Europe today, and as with regards even and to speak of Economics, is to speak of it all, and as going along and with speak of Ideology, and not Theology truly either, and as has been the norm, and throughout European History. In all, Ideology in Europe today, and as with it all even not truly going along in all, and with Intellect, and that does speak even and of a European Renaissance in all actually.

Robespierre and European/French Ideology:

Czarists, Bolsheviks & Red Guards

Czarists, Bolsheviks & Red Guards.

And speak furtherly even, and of the term 'Black Russian' too actually.

Thursday 8 May 2014



Speak even and of the Cornerstone and Europe [Link], and in all ways even, speak too and of the very world of European Heraldry that is.

Monday 5 May 2014

The Vikings

The Vikings.

'The Vikings', and as with it all said even, and to speak of the very world of European Blood Relations [and further speak even of genuine European Politics], and as versus speak even and of the volatile in all, Blood Relations in many a way, and that do arise and with Revolutionary Europe/France that is.

Euro Identity

Euro Identity.

European Transnationalism:

To speak of Euro Identity, is to in many a way even refer and to the uniqueness and integrity in all, and of Modern European Identities and Institutions in all that is. The very belief that, European Identity today, and as with it said even Historical in nature, is not grounded and in speak of Ritualism [and as it was in the past], but in all ways even and in speak of Gender, Race, Age & Class too [or GRAC that is].

In all, Euro Identity and as based around GRAC, speaking in all even and of Euro, and as said to refer and to a Media [and which does speak even of Modern European speech, and even Modern European Popular cultures], an Aesthetic [and one too, said even and to speak of Modern European Fashions and even EU Symbolism too], and finally in all again, speak even of Modern European Heritages [and as with they originating with WW1, and further speak even of many a Modern  European Cultural Institute, and such as the Goethe Institute for instance].

In all, so termed Euro Identity, and as with it even speaking in all and of the attempts of Europe today, and in dealing with its Socialist/Communist Identity/past, finding its way in all again, and to many another part of the World, and as including speak of Ethiopia, but also Kenya too in particular [that Kenya, does have similar definitions of GRAC, and as similar in all again, and to that seen in Euro Identity that is].

Friday 25 April 2014

The Collective Unconscious

The Collective Unconscious.

Continental European Identities:

To speak of the Collective Unconscious and as said coined in all, and by C.G Jung too, and as very much also said in all again, and to speak of a Collective Memory too, and that does go along even and with speak of Archetypal Symbols (and as including European styled Crosses in all), and even Archetypal Ancestral Figures too that is.

In many a way though, this manner of viewing the Collective Unconscious is believed even problematic, and in these Modern Times we live in, and as with regards to formenting in all, Continental European Identities, and that do in all ways even it is believed, do speak of European Borders, and not European Symbolism truly either.

In all though, and as with the Collective Unconscious believed paramount even, and in speak of Europe and from an Evolutionary perspective too, one in all then and in many a way too, does find that, the Collective Unconscious and in Europe today, and as with it even said to speak of European Symbolism in all, does in all ways even speak of perceiving it all, and in speak of Time and as a Reference too [that in all again, speak of the Referencing and of many an European Symbol in all, and not only as with regards to Time, but truly even, and as with regards to speak of (Jungian) Alchemy, and as said in all again and to refer to Spatial-Temporal Realities in all, and that do in all evoke ones Memory, and from a Collective stance too that is] [and as with speak even of attempting to truly redefine the Modern World, and from such a Memory in all, and in the name of the Preservation, Protection and Securing even, and of ones Self/self-Image too that is][and in a World today, where many in all might be prompted in all again, and in redefining themselves, and along the lines of European Self/self-Images, and as with they even said Modern too that is].

In all again, speak of the so termed OECD, and as very much in all, dealing with the above mentioned issues too that is.

The European Collective Unconscious:

The Republic

The Republic.

To speak of the Republic and in an European context, is to in many a way even speak of just what does constitute and for Racial Identity in all, and in Europe too that is. That the History of Europe in a basic way, can be said to speak of the Colours of White, Brown and Black, and as with Europeans of differing colours in all, now trying to find a home in Europe, and as based around speak even of Ritual in itself actually [and Ritual too, and as based around speak even of Genealogical/Historical Lineages that is].

However though, there is another manner in all, and of looking at Racial Identities in Europe, and as not born truly of differing Skin Colours, but in all ways even, speak of Racial Identity, and as very much going along and with speak of Titles too [and such as Mac Dubh in Scotland for instance], and speak even of Racial Identity now, and as associated even and with differing Religious practises in all actually [and as with all this even speaking of Spain in all, and as the place in all again responsible for the birth of many a sentiment perhaps, and as with regards to European Identity too, and as with White Europeans said European in all, Brown Europeans classified as Nationalistic in all, and with Black Europeans simply said Christian in their ways that is]. Brown Europeans, and while classified somewhat from a Nationalistic/Regional perspective [and as with speak even of the Germans too perhaps], others in all are classified as simply Moor, and are in many a way even simply said  possessing an European Identity, and as with speak even of Spain and as now very much a part of European Political History in all [that Spain in all again, does judge the Moor, and from speak even of Racial Identity and as based round speak of Religious practises too, and not speak of European Symbolism truly either] [and as with Spain even, seeing itself distinct and from Europe, and as with regards to Religion in itself that is].

In all, the Moor, and as said European in all again, very much speaking even and of the History of the Republic [and from speak even of the Dutch Republic and further speak even and of the French Republic too], and in Europe that is. In all again, the Moor as said as such, and as very much finding a home and in the Netherlands too that is.



To speak of Rousseau and in an European context (and as versus a French context too in all), is to in all ways even speak of Europeans and as getting in touch with their True Self that is, and as with it even said to speak of the Evolution of European society, and since the very times of Revolutionary France too, and as with this Evolution even, simply said to speak of Sentiment in all actually. That in all, Europe today and in Sentiment, is ruled over by Voltaire and his ilk [Link], while in reality in all, Rousseau, and as offering a much clearer view in all, and of just whom Europeans today in all are, and as with regards to Sentiment that is [and as with this speaking even and of truly finding oneself, and truly knowing in all even, just where Home truly is that is].

Thursday 24 April 2014

West Germany

West Germany.

West Germany, while considered in many a way a truly Political issue in Germany and Europe in itself (and as versus speak even of East Germany too in all), it however was looked upon rather favourably and by many an outsider to Europe/Germany in all, and as with it in all again, very much associated and with speak even of Wimbledon, the Queen of England/British Monarchy, the Louvres in France and alongside speak even of the very world of Professional/Fashion Models in France/Europe, German TV/Cologne/German Manufacturing-Engineering, Holidaying in Spain, Hamburg & Frankfurt, Stockholm in Sweden, the false belief that Russian Women are the most Beautiful in the World, the KGB, and finally in all again, speak even of Europe and as perceived a Migrant heaven, and by many a group in all, and as including Africans in themselves actually [and with Germany perceived a prime destination too that is].

In all, the attempt here and in truly perhaps Commemorating West Germany, and as it is said and believed even that, the two Germany's in all, have never truly united, and as a result of not being able to let go, and of their differing histories in all that is.

West Germany:

Saturday 19 April 2014

The Stoic

The Stoic.

Individual Consciousness, and as with regards to speak of Europe today too that is.

Sunday 13 April 2014



To speak of Europe and as compared to America in all, is to in all ways say that, Europe and European History in all, has always been highly defined and by speak of Order, and as versus speak of Organization too that is.

In all ways even though, Europe as a result is capable of being far more chaotic and than most do believe to be, and as with further speak even today, and of rising sentiments and towards many a said outsider to Europe, and as with the outsider in Europe too, once simply said a Foreigner that is [and all this too before, Europe in many a way did become a subject of interest and to just about all kinds/sorts of people that is].

To understand all this better, how many an outsider to Europe has in all ways even found themselves perceived and from speak even of Legitimacy too, is to in all ways even speak of just how Friendships in Europe today, have in all ways even weakened the 'System' [and as with speak of Order in Europe too that is], and as with Friendships today, mainly expressed/defined and in speak of Intimacy [and something not truly European,. and as with regards to speak of Expression in itself], or even further again and as with speak of Central Asians in Europe too, speak even of the Jovial actually [or the attempt in all, to present oneself and in a Celebratory manner] [and both of which have seen the erosion in all, and of European Customs, Manners & Etiquette too that is]. 

For Europeans though, and as with truly formenting strong Bonds between each other, Friendships, and as always even speaking of the Convivial in all actually [and further speak even of spending 'Quality Time' with another for instance] [Link].

Thursday 10 April 2014

Very Short Introductions

Very Short Introductions.

The Very Short Introductions Series, and as with it all even serving as an inspiration for Internet Media, and as suited for Europe too that is. 

Sunday 6 April 2014



Socio-Pathologies, and as with they in many a way even, speaking in all too even and of the biggest problem in all perhaps, that Europeans in all again do face in their societies (and as with speak even of the warranted and unwarranted too), but that in all ways even and as with further speak even of Europe and as said a success in all, speak in many a way too, and of many a downturn perhaps, and in Cultural or Economic activity too, and as with perhaps furtherly stating that, the most popular phrase uttered in the EU Bank in all, does probably speak of 'Getting Europe back on its Feet' [and as with all this even truly referring to Socio-Pathologies in all actually].

Fallen Heroes, Guardians & Moors

Fallen Heroes, Guardians & Moors.

Love's Labour's Lost, and as with it the Shakespearean work even, and that does truly speak of Europe and from the perspective of the Odyssey, and as with it referring even and to many a now Deceased European in all, and who did help in Building Europe in all again, and from it said Nascent too, and without too much want of Recompense in all, or many a Reward too, and other than the wanting in all again, to simply make better the lives of others, and in Memory too for instance [and as with they in all even simply commemorated and in speak of a single Name too, and such as Hadrian (and as said the Father of Europe), or even Georges too for instance].

Europe and the Nemesis:

Friday 4 April 2014



Diaries, and for the Traditionalist European today, and as with speak even of Gnosis and as the Fundamental (or Premier) Religion of Europe, does speak even and of just whom Europeans today are with Religious Worship, and as with it traditionally even based around many a Nature oriented Ritual too in all [and further speak even of everyday European Rituals too], but that in all ways even, the very use of Diaries, can be considered of interest, and as with regards to speak of Gnosis, and in these Modern Times (Modern Rituals), we live in that is.

In all again, the Anne Frank Diaries, and as actually speaking of World War 1, and not World War 2 either.

Monday 31 March 2014

The Knight of Maison-Rouge

The Knight of Maison-Rouge.

With Europe today in all and as backward place (Socially) too, ruled over by 'the Telling' in all, Dumas' masterly work above, and as speaking even of 'the Account' actually.

Tuesday 25 March 2014



Inference, and as the most important form of Logic in all, and for a rather or highly Formal/Formalized Europe today that is.

Monday 24 March 2014



Europe and speak even of the Alchemical too.

Friday 21 March 2014



Divinity and the Traditionalist European [and as with further speak even and of defining Status and in Europe today too that is].

Saturday 15 March 2014



Many a Traditionalist European, might be in many a way out of touch with themselves, and even reality in Europe too, and as based around speak even of Power/Political structures in Europe today that is. That Europe, and for the Masses too, and in Europe and outside it, is often presented and as with this referring even, and to European Media too (and speak even of Deutsch Welle for instance), is often presented that is, and from speak even of Austrian Law actually [that European societies today, are often presented and via Media too, and in manner that does speak of Austrian History, when in reality, Europe today, is more or less truly still Communist/Socialist in its ways that is]. In many a way though, all this does speak even and of the Validity of Modern European (Power/Political) Institutions, and as many a University Brochure for instance, does present European Universities, and from speak even of Austrian Law (and as with further speak of unlimited opportunity in all), when in reality, European life today is still very much Communist/Socialist in all actually [and as with speak even of the EU in itself too that is].

In all, the above discrepancies, and as in many a way even, having many a Traditionalist European out there, out of touch with reality in all, or themselves too (and as with speak even of the creating of a Social Identity), and that in all ways even, when Traditionalist Europeans today do think Law in all, then let think Swedish Traditional Law (or Amerikanska), or even truly again, Law and as seen in Liechtenstein too that is.

Friday 14 March 2014



The Arthurian Myth in all, and speak even of Belarus too, and that did in all come to truly define Chivalry and in Europe too, and as with all this even, speaking of all forms and kinds of Renaissance Movements & Art, and to be seen in Europe that is [and as with all this even speaking of the History of Sculpture in Europe too actually].

Wednesday 5 February 2014

The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom of the Opera.

European Identity & the Modern Times:

Many a question in all, and as with speak even of European Media in all again, does attempt to truly question, what does constitute in all and for Modern European Identities too that is. This in many a way does not speak of Culture actually, and as with speak even of Social/Cultural Identities too, but in many a way truly, speak even, and of just how Europeans in all again, should best Order their lives, and as with further speak even of Everyday Routines that is. On perceiving Europe in this manner, one does in many a way even, refer to Europe and as perceived even from its Energy needs, its Politics (Political symbolism), and even its International Image too that is [and as with speak even of Immigrants into Europe actually].

To begin answering the question and on just how best for Europeans in all, Traditionalist too, and as with speak even of singular Mindsets in all (Europeans who like to stick to themselves), to best view Europe today, and as functionable too, and offering many an opportunity even (and in Expression too perhaps), is to speak of the many Political entities in all, and that have come to define European Culture today that is.

The first of these, does speak even and of viewing Europe, and from the perspective of the UK that is. That the UK (United Kingdom), and as with it all even a Media too, is believed to have more sophisticated in all, Social and Political Images, and as compared to the rest of Europe too that is [and as with this even associating the UK in all, and with English too, and the rest of Europe, and with their Native Non-English Languages that is] [and all this too, and as referring even to what does constitute for Modern European Accents, and as with British Accents too, now considered European, when British English in all, is actually more or less somewhat even, African in its ways actually].

The second of these, does view Europe in all, and from speak only of England, and as with it said defined by the English peoples of England in all, and as with they even creating Identity somewhat, and along with North America (the United States and Canada), Australia, and even speak of Japan too somewhat [and as with some of these peoples now considered European too that is] [and as with all this even, speaking of viewing Europe today, and from the very perspective of its peoples, and as said White and Non-White too that is].

The third of these, does view Europe in all, and from speak of England and France too, and which in all ways even does speak of viewing Europe, and from Racial superiority myths in all, and as with those in England and France considered racially superior to others, but in many a way too, speak of viewing Europe, racially too, and as consisting of Ireland/Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland (and as with they even believed racially in all, and to speak of Ancient Britain), the Portuguese, Spain, the Scandinavia, the Germans, the Russians, and the rest of Europe too actually [and a way of viewing Europe in all, popular too, and during its Communist years that is].

The fourth of these, does speak in all and of viewing Europe, and from the very perspective of Germany in all, and as with this even speaking of Europe and as a Technological base of a kind too (and further speak even of the world of Modern European Research that is ), and as with all this even speaking of viewing Europe, and from the very perspective of Germany, the Scandinavia, Russia (and its Academics), and also the rest of Europe too actually [and further speak even and of the EU too that is]. 

The fifth of these, does speak even and of viewing Europe surprisingly enough, and from the very perspective of Spain, Ireland, Russia and the rest of Europe too, and as with this even speaking of viewing Europe in all, and from its Cities too actually [and its Modern Architecture in many a way too that is].

The sixth of these, does speak even and of viewing Europe in all, and from the perspective of the Netherlands in all again, and as with this even speaking of viewing the Inhabitants of Europe, and from speak even and of the Netherlands, Historical Byzantine Europe, Immigrants to Europe, and also Italy too, and as now said a part of Europe too that is [and at the very least even, and from speak of the Church that is] [and as with Italy Historically too, connecting to Europe, and via Britain, the Netherlands and even speak of the Celts too that is].

This entry though, does in many a way even speak of a new way of viewing Europe, and from the very perspective of the Scandinavia too actually [and as with it even believed to open one up, and to all kinds of Opportunity that is]. That it is believed that those in Europe today, Traditionalist too, and as with speak even of Liechtenstein too perhaps, can benefit in all, and as with speak truly even of simply Ordering ones life beneficially, and as with further speak even of noticing opportunity everywhere that is [and as with Europe in all again, and as with speak even of disunity or disorder even, speaking truly and of just how society in all again is Ordered, and as versus speak of how its Organized that is].

In all, it does speak of viewing the Scandinavia, and from the very perspective of its regional Countries in all, and as with speak even of Scandinavian Identity, and as coming to influence the rest of Europe in many a way too that is. In many a way, all this does speak even and of just how the Scandinavia in all, does truly connect even, and to the rest of Europe that is. That first off, Sweden, is falsely believed the very home even, and of Scandinavian Languages, when in reality, Scandinavian Languages and Communications too, very much speak of Finland actually. In many a way too, Sweden again, and as considered the home of the Nordic Countries, when in reality, what they do term Nordic in all, actually does speak even of Scandinavian Materiality too, and as with it even arising with the Norse world in all that is, and as with the Norse too in all again, speaking of Denmark actually. You also do have Norway, and in many a way truly even, speaking of Scandinavians and as said a People too in all, and as with all this even falsely believed to speak of Swedens Immigration Policy, when in reality, the Scandinavians, and as a People, are very much Norway in all that is. Finally, Sweden in all, and as truly Celt and Pict/Scot, and as with this even not only speaking of its History, but in many a way even, speak of Sweden, and as in many a way too, bringing change to the rest of the Scandinavia, and not only as Celt in all (or Scand. truly even), but also speak in many a way and of Loki too [and the Scots and Picts that is]. In all, and as perhaps many failing to have realized all this, Men in Sweden, and as somewhat Celt in behaviour, and Women in Sweden, and as somewhat Pict/Scot in behaviour that is [that in all again, Innovation in Europe today, is best believed Scand. actually].

Having stated the above, does speak even and of a novel way of viewing Europe, and very much Scand. too, and which does in all ways even speak of viewing Europe, and from the terms Britain, Europe, Europa and even Continental Europe too. In all, the term Britain, and as also connecting Sweden to England in all, and as with all this referring even, and to the creating of Intellectual and Cultured Images of oneself, and as with speak of Intellect too that is, and as with Britain here for instance, also speaking of the City of Bordeaux in France that is [and as compared in all, and to speak of present day European Royalty that is]. Then you do have Europe, and a term today and which can be associated and with the world of European Art, and which in many a way does speak also of Norway in all, and as believed today much more superior in their ways perhaps, and as with speak even of Art, and in all ways even, further speak too, and of all sorts of European Images that is [and as with the Phantom of the Opera, very much today even, believed to speak of Political and Social European Images that is]. You then do have Europa, and the very world too of Traditional European Religion, and as with speak even of many a God and Goddess too, and as with the Traditionalist European today, best basically thinking Aphrodite and as with regards to all this [and not Europa truly either], and as with Traditional European Religions, best perceived even, and from speak of highly Individual beliefs that is, and all this too, and as centered around Denmark in all ways actually. Finally in all again, speak of Finland and Scandinavian Communications and Languages, and as with Scandinavian Communications, believed superior and to those to be found within most of Europe today, and as with this even speaking somewhat of Prussian Sweden (and Gothenburg too), but in many a way, Finland in all, and as seen as ones connection and to what some do term Continental Europe too [or speak even of places bordering Europe in all, and as somewhat in all again truly Greek in their ways that is].

To end all this though, is to say that, the Blogger here in all, is actually blogging from Christian Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and as with they even viewing Europe and from a more or less an ancient perspective, and as with it said even to speak of Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, France, Western Europe, Central Europe and also Eastern Europe too that is. In all though, Christian Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and as connecting to Europe and via Liechtenstein too, and with further speak even of Kenya (or Kenia truly even), viewing in all Norway actually, and as most similar to European presences/cultures in Kenia that is.