Monday 5 May 2014

Euro Identity

Euro Identity.

European Transnationalism:

To speak of Euro Identity, is to in many a way even refer and to the uniqueness and integrity in all, and of Modern European Identities and Institutions in all that is. The very belief that, European Identity today, and as with it said even Historical in nature, is not grounded and in speak of Ritualism [and as it was in the past], but in all ways even and in speak of Gender, Race, Age & Class too [or GRAC that is].

In all, Euro Identity and as based around GRAC, speaking in all even and of Euro, and as said to refer and to a Media [and which does speak even of Modern European speech, and even Modern European Popular cultures], an Aesthetic [and one too, said even and to speak of Modern European Fashions and even EU Symbolism too], and finally in all again, speak even of Modern European Heritages [and as with they originating with WW1, and further speak even of many a Modern  European Cultural Institute, and such as the Goethe Institute for instance].

In all, so termed Euro Identity, and as with it even speaking in all and of the attempts of Europe today, and in dealing with its Socialist/Communist Identity/past, finding its way in all again, and to many another part of the World, and as including speak of Ethiopia, but also Kenya too in particular [that Kenya, does have similar definitions of GRAC, and as similar in all again, and to that seen in Euro Identity that is].