Friday 30 May 2014

Wednesday 28 May 2014

The European Museum

The European Museum.

The European Museum, and as with it even referring and to the troubling fact in all that, Europe, does not have to it, a proper Archaeology or Anthropology too, and that European Identity in all again, is not grounded and in speak of Ritual & Worship that is, but in all truly even, and in speak of the Epigenetic too actually.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Europe vs. the EU

Europe vs. the EU

When one does speak of Europe, or even the EU in all, they are in many a way, speaking of Europe and as a Continent too, and whose Identity in all again, is truly defined and by speak too, and of Consciousness that is. That the term Europe, is in many a way, loaded/tinged and with many an element to it, and that does not only speak of a Scottish Broth for instance, but that in all ways even, speaks of Consciousness, layered too perhaps, and as said to speak of Body Consciousness [and speak even of European Architecture and European (Country) Names too], Ritual & Worship, European Intellect, European Philosophy, European Renaissance Art, European Heraldry, European Tongues (and with Cornish said the foremost of these), and finally in all again, speak even perhaps, and of European Boots too that is [and with Musketeer Boots, probably the most prized of them all].

All the above too, and as compared to speak of Europe today, and as the EU too, and which does basically even define Consciousness, and from speak too, and of European societies, and as perceived and from speak in all and of Disorientation, Disillusionment, and even Disappointment in itself too that is [and further speak even and of the Scottish Kilt in all that is].

Tuesday 20 May 2014



European Psychosomatic Identity [and as with further speak here even, and of the Modern Times, and Alienable figures too that is].

Saturday 17 May 2014

Private Museum Collections

Private Museum Collections.

An Integrative approach in all, and to the History of (The United States of) America, and as with it even speaking of Americans as a People, and all this too, and as speaking even and of the Traditionalist European today, and who does in all tend, to create Identity, and as based around speak of Europeans and as a People too that is.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen.

Henrik Ibsen, and speak even of, Underlying Currents in all, and in Europe today that is, and as versus speak of European Trends that is [and as with it all determining in all again, European perspectives, and on the Future, and as said referring even, and to speak of the Post-Humous that is].



A land/place of Smells/'Scones', and not Sights/'Jewels' either (and as seen/found in the rest or most of Europe too that is).

Friday 9 May 2014

European Ideologies

European Ideologies.

To speak of Europe today, and as with regards even and to speak of Economics, is to speak of it all, and as going along and with speak of Ideology, and not Theology truly either, and as has been the norm, and throughout European History. In all, Ideology in Europe today, and as with it all even not truly going along in all, and with Intellect, and that does speak even and of a European Renaissance in all actually.

Robespierre and European/French Ideology:

Czarists, Bolsheviks & Red Guards

Czarists, Bolsheviks & Red Guards.

And speak furtherly even, and of the term 'Black Russian' too actually.

Thursday 8 May 2014



Speak even and of the Cornerstone and Europe [Link], and in all ways even, speak too and of the very world of European Heraldry that is.

Monday 5 May 2014

The Vikings

The Vikings.

'The Vikings', and as with it all said even, and to speak of the very world of European Blood Relations [and further speak even of genuine European Politics], and as versus speak even and of the volatile in all, Blood Relations in many a way, and that do arise and with Revolutionary Europe/France that is.

Euro Identity

Euro Identity.

European Transnationalism:

To speak of Euro Identity, is to in many a way even refer and to the uniqueness and integrity in all, and of Modern European Identities and Institutions in all that is. The very belief that, European Identity today, and as with it said even Historical in nature, is not grounded and in speak of Ritualism [and as it was in the past], but in all ways even and in speak of Gender, Race, Age & Class too [or GRAC that is].

In all, Euro Identity and as based around GRAC, speaking in all even and of Euro, and as said to refer and to a Media [and which does speak even of Modern European speech, and even Modern European Popular cultures], an Aesthetic [and one too, said even and to speak of Modern European Fashions and even EU Symbolism too], and finally in all again, speak even of Modern European Heritages [and as with they originating with WW1, and further speak even of many a Modern  European Cultural Institute, and such as the Goethe Institute for instance].

In all, so termed Euro Identity, and as with it even speaking in all and of the attempts of Europe today, and in dealing with its Socialist/Communist Identity/past, finding its way in all again, and to many another part of the World, and as including speak of Ethiopia, but also Kenya too in particular [that Kenya, does have similar definitions of GRAC, and as similar in all again, and to that seen in Euro Identity that is].