Monday 21 October 2013



For many a Traditionalist European today, there does exist a Communications problem in all, and with ones fellow beings that is, and due in all again, and to a rather prevalent culture of Pretentiousness in all, and as with speak even of Communications too, and as seen throughout Europe that is. 

In all ways even, to speak of Pretentiousness, is to also speak of it, as the very basis even, and of Immorality too, sexual even, and in Europe today that is. 

In many a way in all, all this does speak even, and of how life in all again, has been historically lived, and in Europe that is. That in many a way, while life in all can be perceived and from the Moment, the Present or even the Now too, life historically in Europe, has been lived around the Present actually, and while Modern Europe's Pretentious culture in all, does attempt to live life around the Present in all again, life today in Europe though, and as with this even an Awareness issue in all, is truly lived around the Now actually.

In many a way, dealing with this culture of Pretentiousness in Europe, does call for a Group Consciousness in all, and as with speaking even of two or more people in all, witnessing this Pretentious culture as occurring, and as versus a single European in all, knowing it, and on an individual basis too that is [and as with this speaking again, of many a European knowing about this culture, but without a Group Consciousness in all, being formed that is]. In helping forment this Group Consciousness in all, is to introduce many a Traditionalist European, and to the works of Sarah Mason in all again, and all this too, and as versus seeking to learn about this Pretentious culture, and via Modern Europes magazines and media that is. 

Finally, the work of Seneca 'Selected Letters', and as helping many a Traditionalist European too, learn how to live Life in Europe, and from the perspective of the Now that is [and as with this helping even, deal with many a Communications problem in Europe today that is].