Tuesday 15 October 2013

The Haunted Self

The Haunted Self.

Many a European today, finds themselves in general, rather unhappy even, and with their lives too. This in all ways even, very much has to do, and with speak in all again, and of Trauma actually. A false belief in all that, Europeans in all again, are the happiest of peoples, and very much due in all again, to many an International organization even, and such as the UN, coming to define Trauma in all, and from a modern European perspective too [that unless in all again, everyone out there lives a life, similar to modern Europeans in all, they are in all again, not happy in all, and with whom they are that is]. The belief by many a European in this, has very much led to a distortion in all, and as with regards even, and to just how they perceive themselves, and from a Happiness/Satisfaction perspective too. In all ways even, and as with mentioning the belief that Europeans today are not happy with themselves in all, and the further belief that Europeans were much happier with themselves and when they did live traditionalist lifestyles in all again, is to in all ways even mention that, Trauma in modern European lives in all, in many a way truly even, does arise with Revolutionary France actually, and that for many a European today too, discovering whom they are and as with regards to Happiness/Satisfaction even, speaks in all ways even, and of viewing Trauma in their lives, and not as the UN or even CNN would describe it, but very much from the perspective in all again, and of the Haunted Self too actually. In all again, this speaking even of the rise of a new Media in all, and probably traditionalist too, and that does attempt to speak of Europe, and from the perspective of the Haunted Self that is, and not the UN either for instance.