Wednesday 23 October 2013



Most in Europe today, and especially Traditionalists too, have no proper idea, and of just what to make of life in Europe, other than what their Governments do tell them that is. In all ways even, Modern European Governments, and as advocating for European life today, to be highly viewed from the perspective of Social Welfare and Social Reform too actually [and as with this even speaking of keeping violent encounters, situations or associations even, and to the minimum too that is].

There is however a much better way, of viewing the quality of life in Europe today, and that does somewhat have African antecedents to it actually [and as with speak even and of African Psychology in all]. This simple way in all again, does actually speak of Presences [that quality of life in Europe, can best be measured, and by what Presences one in all, can truly discern perhaps, and in their midsts too that is]. In all ways even, and as with basic African psychological speak, this does speak in all ways too, and of what they do term a Point of Reference actually. In all, a Point of Reference, and as speaking of a favourable Presence in all, and by which one in all again, can judge life in Europe too for instance [and from a Presence perspective that is]. In all again, for the traditionalist European, when one does think favourable Presences, and even Point of References too, then let them think along the lines, and of Lakes and as seen Switzerland in particular, but also the rest of Europe too in many a way [and as with speak even of Presences, a good way of integrating outsiders to Europe and who do wish to be European, and as compared to talk of Social Welfare and Social Reform too that is].