Friday 20 December 2013



Cromwell, and as with he even representing what they do call Pre-eminence, and in Europe too, and as with this generally speaking of Intellectualism in all, and as compared to modern notions in all again, and in Europe too, and of associating Pre-eminence in all, and with many a Figure and such as Napolean, Marie-Antoinette, Louis XIV, and even many a serialized European Writer in all, and such as Alexandre Dumas too for instance.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Robin & Mozart

Robin & Mozart.

To speak of Robin Hood and Mozart in all, and for the Traditionalist European today, is to speak of them in all again, and as truly serving as an inspiration, and for how in all, Traditionalist Europeans in all again, do define Gender based Duties, Roles and Responsibilities too, and in Europe today too that is. That in all again, speak of Robin Hood, does serve as an inspiration, and for Traditionalist European Men in all, and in Europe today, and in helping define in all again, Gender based Duties, Roles and Responsibilities too. In all again, Mozart too, and as serving very much the very same purpose, and with Traditionalist European Women too, and as with this even a good example for many a Traditionalist European Man, to know the Women in their lives, and as with speak even and of the workplace too, and as with Mozart even, representing in all again, just how in all, and on a general basis too, Traditionalist European Women, do perceive success, and as based around Gender based Duties, Roles and Responsibilities too that is.

Wednesday 6 November 2013



European Superstition in all, and as with it serving as an undercurrent, and to anything in European History, that can be termed as Primeval, Immemorial and even Significant too that is.

Monday 4 November 2013



Jesus, and the Traditionalist European today too that is.

Friday 1 November 2013



There is a tendency in Europe today, to be fixated in many a way, and as with speak even of Popular Identities too, and to anything French or English too that is [and as with many a European Man today, aspiring to be somewhat English, and with European Women in all again, attempting to be very much French like actually]. For the Traditionalist European though, and as with speak even of Traditional European lifestyles in all, is to tell them that, when they do think of being fixated in all again, and as with speak even of creating a unified European Identity too, then let them think Liechtenstein actually [and as with asking many a Traditionalist European in all, to engage in what some do call a Scramble actually, and attempt to truly claim Liechtenstein, and as their very own too, and in all ways even, as a Political Center of a kind actually]. In all again, Liechteinstein, and as the very place in Europe, that one is most likely to run into Godric actually.

Thursday 31 October 2013



- many a Traditionalist European, might know even, and of just whom Euro-Americans truly are [or European Immigrants to America that is]. In many a way, many a European today in all, do believe themselves to be strongly connected even, and to Euro-Americans, when in reality, European Immigrants to America, have been making a home of the place, and for the last 200 years in all that is. In many a way too, they have evolved in manners that are not truly European actually, and as with speak even of the Bon Jovi video posted above, and as with telling many a Traditionalist European that, they are more similar in all, and to Europeans living in Kenya for instance, and not to those living in America actually. 

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Medieval Europe

Medieval Europe.

Medieval Europe in many a way, is often falsely presented to most actually. In all, it is often presented, as with it said to speak of Traditional lifestyles in Europe, they believed even simple in all, and with European History even, traced as progressing in all, and in Intellectualism and even Philosophy or Art too, and from the Medieval Times that is. 

In reality though, Medieval Europe, has often represented the very heart and core even, of European life actually. What this does truly mean is that, while it in all does speak of Relevance and in European life too, and as with finding Meaning and Self-Meaning in life (and as with speak even of European definitions of Love that is), it does actually refer to the belief that, it was the Medieval Europeans in many a way, that did come to define European Realities in all, and as with speak even and of how Europeans in all again, did truly define the Present, the Moment and the Now too actually [and as with speak even of Probability in all that is].

Tuesday 29 October 2013



What are Poetics in most ways though? In many a way, they truly represent even, imagined Scenarios in all, and that one would wish to make a Reality, but with all this even, speaking of an Ancestral Memory too that is. In all ways even, when those in Europe today, do think Poetics, then let them think the Poetic Edda actually.

Saturday 26 October 2013



In most ways, Stonehenge today is often falsely presented as said believed to speak of the very origins of Civilization in all, and in Europe too. This is not exactly true, as Stonehenge in all, does actually speak and of just whom in all again, Europeans are, and as Primitive people that is [and all this as compared to the popular belief even that, Europeans in all ways, are actually Witches (and as compared even, to Sorcerers or even Sorceresses too), and as Primitive people that is, when in reality, Europeans are very much as Witches too, and as stupid people actually].

Thursday 24 October 2013

The Office

The Office.

While the House of Meredith does not truly recommend the watching of TV in all, for those though who do wish to watch some TV in all again, then let it all be along the lines of 'The Office' actually.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

John Keats

John Keats.

John Keats: the ideal Persona, and for the Traditionalist European today too.



Many a Traditionalist European, simply does not know and of what to make of Europe's Immigration Policy [and as with Europe today, swamped even, and by Immigrant mentalities that is, and not necessarily Immigrant populations either]. In all again, Immigrants to Europe, appear to come from all corners of the World: North America, South America, Africa, Central Asia, Asia, the Middle East and even Australia too. In helping though, many a Traditionalist European deal with Immigrant populations to Europe (and as with speak even of Immigrant mentalities that is), is to in all ways mention that, it is Immigrants from Sub-Saharan Africa in all (and not North Africa either), that are the perfect Immigrants to Europe, and as compared to the belief that it is Immigrants from North America, South America or even Central Asia too, that are very much perfect in their ways that is. In all ways again, Immigrants from Sub-Saharan Africa, and as helping many a traditionalist European in all, make contact and with the Immigrant population in Europe that is.



Most in Europe today, and especially Traditionalists too, have no proper idea, and of just what to make of life in Europe, other than what their Governments do tell them that is. In all ways even, Modern European Governments, and as advocating for European life today, to be highly viewed from the perspective of Social Welfare and Social Reform too actually [and as with this even speaking of keeping violent encounters, situations or associations even, and to the minimum too that is].

There is however a much better way, of viewing the quality of life in Europe today, and that does somewhat have African antecedents to it actually [and as with speak even and of African Psychology in all]. This simple way in all again, does actually speak of Presences [that quality of life in Europe, can best be measured, and by what Presences one in all, can truly discern perhaps, and in their midsts too that is]. In all ways even, and as with basic African psychological speak, this does speak in all ways too, and of what they do term a Point of Reference actually. In all, a Point of Reference, and as speaking of a favourable Presence in all, and by which one in all again, can judge life in Europe too for instance [and from a Presence perspective that is]. In all again, for the traditionalist European, when one does think favourable Presences, and even Point of References too, then let them think along the lines, and of Lakes and as seen Switzerland in particular, but also the rest of Europe too in many a way [and as with speak even of Presences, a good way of integrating outsiders to Europe and who do wish to be European, and as compared to talk of Social Welfare and Social Reform too that is].

Tuesday 22 October 2013

The Bread Bible

The Bread Bible.

One does find that in Europe today, eating habits and meals in all, are very much centered around Meats actually, when in reality, centering in all ones meals that is and as around Breads too actually, is a much better alternative, and as with speak even of Psychological Wellbeing that is.

The Victorian Legacy

The Victorian Legacy.

Many in Europe today, might truly wonder what impact in all again, the Victorians in all, did have in helping make Modern Europe. In all ways, this actually does refer, and to the very birth and of the Retail Industry in Europe, and as compared to a Europe before, ruled over in all again, and by Local Industries/Enterprises, and also the Outdoor Market, Enterpreneurship/'small business', and the Auction in many a way truly. In all ways even, this Victorian Legacy, and as helping come to change the general everyday behaviour of most Europeans in all (and as with regards even and to everyday rites and traditions too), and as with life in Europe today even, not only centered around Retail Trade in itself, but with everyday European Identities in all, grounded or centered in many a way, and as based around Architecture too. In all again though, is to tell many a traditionalist European that, when they do think Architecture, then let them think Castles, Churches & Cathedrals too, and as seen around Europe that is [and as with this speaking of grounding or centering oneself in all, and to everyday European life that is].



Remembering Cornwall, and as with helping put Cornwall into perspective, not only speaking of Hadrian in all (and even as with speak of Hadrian's Wall that is), but that speak of Evil in Cornwall, speaks of it and as taking the very form of Ringwraiths actually.

Monday 21 October 2013



One does find that, Europe today, and as with speak even of Media too, does find its inspiration in all, and from Impressionist Art that is [and speak further even, and of Monet, Matisse and even Picasso too]. When it does however come to the House of Meredith, and speak even of Media too, it is believed that Naturalism in all, and as an Art movement too, does serve a much better inspiration in all again, and for Media and as seen in Europe today too that is [and as with Impressionism in Europe in all, helping cement a culture of Pretentiousness that is].



Speech correction, and speak even and of the European today that is.



For many a Traditionalist European today, there does exist a Communications problem in all, and with ones fellow beings that is, and due in all again, and to a rather prevalent culture of Pretentiousness in all, and as with speak even of Communications too, and as seen throughout Europe that is. 

In all ways even, to speak of Pretentiousness, is to also speak of it, as the very basis even, and of Immorality too, sexual even, and in Europe today that is. 

In many a way in all, all this does speak even, and of how life in all again, has been historically lived, and in Europe that is. That in many a way, while life in all can be perceived and from the Moment, the Present or even the Now too, life historically in Europe, has been lived around the Present actually, and while Modern Europe's Pretentious culture in all, does attempt to live life around the Present in all again, life today in Europe though, and as with this even an Awareness issue in all, is truly lived around the Now actually.

In many a way, dealing with this culture of Pretentiousness in Europe, does call for a Group Consciousness in all, and as with speaking even of two or more people in all, witnessing this Pretentious culture as occurring, and as versus a single European in all, knowing it, and on an individual basis too that is [and as with this speaking again, of many a European knowing about this culture, but without a Group Consciousness in all, being formed that is]. In helping forment this Group Consciousness in all, is to introduce many a Traditionalist European, and to the works of Sarah Mason in all again, and all this too, and as versus seeking to learn about this Pretentious culture, and via Modern Europes magazines and media that is. 

Finally, the work of Seneca 'Selected Letters', and as helping many a Traditionalist European too, learn how to live Life in Europe, and from the perspective of the Now that is [and as with this helping even, deal with many a Communications problem in Europe today that is].

Sunday 20 October 2013

Europa: Modern Day European Identities

Europa: Modern Day European Identities.

There is probably many a Traditionalist European in all, and who does wonder just how in all again, to go about creating Religious, Social, Political and even Economic Identities in all, and as with speak even of Individuality that is. This in many a way does speak of many a European Magazine today, presenting many a so said Success Profile in all and of many a person too, but with these Profiles in all again, not true to the European past that is [and as with this speaking even and of what Europeans in all, do consider to be pain and suffering and when seeking out Success, or even what does constitute enjoyment in all, and upon Succeeding that is].

In many a way, the source above 'Arthurian Figures of History and Legend', can in many a way even, give the European today, a general idea in all, and of how to create Religious, Social, Political and even Economic Identities in all, and that are true, to their European past, and as with this furtherly speaking even, and of learning how to judge Modern day European Identities, and as with they even representative in all, and of Authority and Power and in Europe today too that is.

Friday 18 October 2013

The European Consciousness

The European Consciousness.

The European Consciousness, and as with it referring to Europe's Reknowed Figures in all, and speak even of European Oracular Knowledge too.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

The Haunted Self

The Haunted Self.

Many a European today, finds themselves in general, rather unhappy even, and with their lives too. This in all ways even, very much has to do, and with speak in all again, and of Trauma actually. A false belief in all that, Europeans in all again, are the happiest of peoples, and very much due in all again, to many an International organization even, and such as the UN, coming to define Trauma in all, and from a modern European perspective too [that unless in all again, everyone out there lives a life, similar to modern Europeans in all, they are in all again, not happy in all, and with whom they are that is]. The belief by many a European in this, has very much led to a distortion in all, and as with regards even, and to just how they perceive themselves, and from a Happiness/Satisfaction perspective too. In all ways even, and as with mentioning the belief that Europeans today are not happy with themselves in all, and the further belief that Europeans were much happier with themselves and when they did live traditionalist lifestyles in all again, is to in all ways even mention that, Trauma in modern European lives in all, in many a way truly even, does arise with Revolutionary France actually, and that for many a European today too, discovering whom they are and as with regards to Happiness/Satisfaction even, speaks in all ways even, and of viewing Trauma in their lives, and not as the UN or even CNN would describe it, but very much from the perspective in all again, and of the Haunted Self too actually. In all again, this speaking even of the rise of a new Media in all, and probably traditionalist too, and that does attempt to speak of Europe, and from the perspective of the Haunted Self that is, and not the UN either for instance.

Sunday 13 October 2013



Svensk, and not Svenska either, and as with Svensk speaking of Modern Sweden actually.

Friday 11 October 2013

The Sacred

The Sacred.

And as with the Sacred in Europe, speaking of defining what is truly European, and what is truly not, and as with regards even, and to the Natural Order of things actually, and as pertaining even, and to Human relations too that is [and further speak even, and of damnation and hell in itself too actually].

Thursday 10 October 2013

David Copperfield

David Copperfield.

There is probably many a European today, and who do truly wonder, whom they are in all, and when they do visit the UK (the United Kingdom), or even simply choose to live there too, and speak even of Ireland to some extent that is. In all is to tell many a European that, when they do visit the UK in all again, they are very much like David Copperfield actually [and as with this too, referring to the edition displayed above that is].

Wednesday 9 October 2013



For many a European today, the question of just how to Present themselves in all, and to not only outsiders to Europe in itself, but in many a way too, to peoples in all living outside Europe actually [and as with paying a visit to Ougadougou for instance], does require in all again, for one to Present themselves, and in a Cool manner too that is, and as with this furtherly even, speaking of safety and security issues in all. In many a way too, all this speaking of Europeans today in all again, attempting to present themselves in all, and in rather Elitist manners too, and as with the attempt even, to have their voices in all, and as with Respect too, heard all over the World that is. For many a European in all, and who does dare venture out of Europe, and in the name of seeking adventure too perhaps, and all this as with regards even, to respect in itself too, is to tell them that, peoples all over the World, and as with speak even of the Local and International too, do attempt in all again, to Present themselves, and as Cool actually, and not sophisticated truly either.

In all again, for the European today, when they do think Cool in all, then let it be along the lines of Gwendolyn Stefani (or Gwen too, Gweni, or even Gwendo perhaps), and also the song Cool too actually.



Scand. in all, and as versus the Scandinavia too, and Grieg, and as with he even defining Everyday & Higher Realities, and in the Scandinavia too that is.

Sunday 6 October 2013



To speak of the Mistletoe, is to particularly refer to it, and as actually being an Ornament. The importance of Ornaments in our lives, does have to do with Ornaments in all, helping create Commonplace feelings, and Familial identities too in all, and as with regards, to any place in all again, we might choose to inhabit that is. For Europe today though, and when they do think European Ornaments in all, let them think the Mistletoe, and as the one Ornament in all again, and that does unite the whole of Europe, and as with regards to Commonplace feelings, and even Familial identities too.

Saturday 5 October 2013

The Family in Europe

The Family in Europe.

The traditional Family in Europe, and as compared to the Modern European Family, and which has British antecedents to it [and as with the British too, not truly European and in their ways too actually].

The Modern European Family:

The Stranger

The Stranger.

The Stranger to Europe.

Friday 4 October 2013


Perceval: The European Story.


The European Story, and as with speak of tests, trials and tribulations, and from the time of Revolutionary France, and to the very present too.

Thursday 3 October 2013


Taboo and Europe.

- and with Taboo in Europe, defined as simply being Indifferent and to just about anything too, and as with Taboo in Europe, and in the past, defined from a French perspective that is.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

The European Ancestors

The European Ancestors.

The European Ancestors, and as with this speaking of all possible manifest Realities in European life/existences, and as with regards to what does constitute the Heavens and Hell in all.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Shrek the Third

Shrek the Third.

European Tribes

European Tribes.

- to speak of European Tribes, is to speak of European Evolutionary Identities (Ancestry, Background and Ethnicity too), and also in many a way, just how Europeans in all, do perceive matters and issues, and as pertaining to Life and Death that is.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Saturday 28 September 2013

Wednesday 25 September 2013



Butterflies: celebrating Manhood in Europe.


The Austro-Hungarian Memory

The Austro-Hungarian Memory.

- in all, a Song truly representing even, the very rise and fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and in many a way even, a Song truly representing just whom one is, and from Europe then and to now, and as with regards to Independent Thought too, and that is not in alignment and with Modern European Symbolism too, and as with this speaking even of Socialist Ideologies in all, Feminist Thought too, and even Military styled Authoritarianism actually.

Modern European Symbolism:

Monday 23 September 2013

European Boots

European Boots.

Europe today, does struggle in all, and with just how to go about creating a core Identity in all again, and to represent Europe and at the National level, and even at the International level too. In all ways though, speak of Europe and at the National level, also does speak of European Languages & Accents, and as with many an immigrant/minority even, struggling in all, to become fully European, and via Parliamentary representation too, and rather than the route of truly knowing European Languages & Accents that is.

To speak of Europe at an International level though (and even at a Continental level too), is to speak in all ways even, and of Europe today struggling to create a Material Identity in all, and as with speak even of not only Europeans exporting European Materiality and to places outside Europe too, but in all ways even, of Europe today creating Class differences in all, and as based around Modernist European Materiality too [and as with this furtherly speaking of Elitist groups in Europe, associating themselves in all, and with Materiality in all again, and similar to that seen in Nazi Germany too that is].

For those though and who do seek out a Traditional lifestyle and in Europe too, and as propounded in all and by the 'House of Meredith' too actually, is to tell them that the main form of Materiality in all and that they do so wish to seek out (and as with this representative and of a Core European Identity too), are none other than traditional European Boots actually [and as with they even the centerpiece in all, and when thinking of Materiality in Europe today, and as with they even truly European actually, and not Western either, and with Italy on the otherhand, differing from Europe and as with regards to all this, and as with Italy traditionally too, defined in all and by Leather Boots too actually].

Friday 6 September 2013

The Europhile

The Europhile.
