Friday 31 August 2012



European lives:

For the traditional European out there, and who in all again, truly does wish to learn just how in all, Modern/Western or modernist Rituals in all too really, have truly come to shape, condition or even hamper our lives that is, is to in all again perhaps, attempt to open up, and to past European Memories in all, and as with regards truly even, to traditional ways of living in all that is, and by in all again, associating oneself truly, and with the above work perhaps ('From Ritual to Romance'), and as with furtherly reminding traditional Europeans too that, the main goal in all, and of fully living a European life that is, is to truly in all again, experience Romance, and its highest levels too that is.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Physical World

The Physical World.

The Modern World:

When we do speak of the terms the Western World or even the Westernized World too, we in many ways truly even, are speaking of the attempts in all, and by the Western World too, to create wholly new Cultural Identities in all, and away from those seen and in our Religious pasts too, and with the Westernized World in all again, speaking of those deemed Non-Westerners in all, and who in all again, do attempt to aspire to meet or portray even, Cultural Identities in all, and that are in alignment, and with those seen in the Western World too that is.

The Modern World though and on the otherhand, does in all, actually speak of our Physical World : and just how Modern lifestyles in all, have come to shape or mold it that is. To understand this much better, is to also know that, the Modern World in all, is a breakaway and from the past too, and where in all again, Art & Design, and as including Intelligent Design and speak of Technology too, was heavily used to define our Physical World, and with certain other parts of the World in all, and not deemed too prosperous perhaps, operating in all again, and from rigid even, Values & Belief Systems too that is : and as with this even, referring to what they do call the Disciplines, and as including the Scientific Disciplines, and when thinking of Technology too that is.

The Modern World though, is a strong even, breakaway and from all this. For while the Western News Media in all again, does attempt to have many a person believe that, our very World, the Physical World, is heavily modeled and as based around the very study too, and of the Subject of Physics that is, and with others even, truly believing the future in all again, to be actually heavily based around Biology in itself too, and as with sarcastically truly even saying that, the promises in all, and of the modern world of Physics too, were never truly delivered, and in all ways even, speak of Biology and as with it coming to define our future Physical Worlds in all again, does seem in all, to be in a rather poor and bad taste too, and as with regards truly even, to beliefs of the Modern Scientific revolution in all, coming to very much save a Humanity in all again, now desperate for Self-Images in all too really, and as with they having foregone Religion too, and Self-Images too, they believe will deliver them, and from the mass Human suffering in all again, and as seen all over the World today too that is.

The truth though in all, and as with regards to the Modern World too is that, it has come to be heavily defined in all, and by Chemistry in all too really that is. Most though, don't truly see how this is, and as with their lack of understanding in all again, and of just what facets of life in all, the Modern World and Chemistry too, has come to replace in our lives, and as with their redefining in all, the Physical World too that is.

In all ways truly even, is to then attempt to tell many a traditional European that, what the Modern World has truly done to us, has been in all ways even, redefine our Physical Worlds, and very much too, away from Play that is. That in all, in our past Worlds, and especially in all again Europe truly too, everyday life in all, was heavily defined by Play actually, and as with this facet of life, making a rather strong showing in European life, and as with probably adding that, it was the Europeans and of all peoples too, who did truly master Play : and as with Play too, an Intellectual activity actually, and as compared in all again and to life in America for instance, and which did in all ways even, speak of a life truly based around enjoying oneself and as much as one could, and in the name of Freedom, Liberty and Civil Liberties too.

To understand what the world of Chemistry in all though, is truly all about, and just how in all again, the Modern World, has actually failed to understand the very world of Chemistry too, is to in all ways even, speak of Chemistry, and as truly based around only one word/term: Mediums. That the very world of Chemistry in all, heavily falsely believed all about manufacturing plastics or many a chemical too, is actually truly in all again, simply merely all about, Mediums that is. What though, is a Medium? To many a traditional European, this is probably well known, but in the spirit of sounding boisterous, is to in all ways even, truly associate Mediums, and with Energy sources in themselves actually.

To perhaps in all again, explain Chemistry in a simple manner, is to in all ways even, attempt to associate it all, and with Cooking in itself too. That Chemistry in all, is truly in all again, only defined and by speak of Physical Substances too, and which in all again, are brought together, and via a Medium too : and as with this referring even, and to a Heat Energy source for instance, and with the end result being in all again, a Chemical Compound too : and as with furtherly adding that, Water in all again, can be said to be the most common/base of Mediums, and as with it even, an Energy source and by itself too that is.

The above though, does not fully explain our Modern Physical Worlds. That in the very least, our Modern Physical Worlds, can very well be reduced, and to nothing more than Mediums too actually : and as with this referring even, to the Modern Worlds obsession, and with Energy in itself too that is. While in all again though, Water can be said to be the most important base Medium, and when it does come to Chemistry too, in the Modern World in all again, one does find that, it is very much Paper, that is often considered a base Medium in all, and when it does come to helping define our Modern Physical Worlds that is.

To perhaps best see all this better, is to speak in all again, and of a Modern World too, where Play in all again, has been replaced and by Entertainment too that is, and with Paper and as base Medium in all, used to represent our desires and wishes even, and when it does come to Entertainment in all, and as with Paper in it itself too actually, used in all again, to not only present Entertainment possibilities in all, but truly also even, the Political Imagery in all, needed to support these lifestyles that is : and as with furtherly saying that, what they do call Print Media in all, does serve in all ways even, and as a picture in all again, and of how our Modern Physical Worlds in all too really, do look like, are supposed to look like, or even will look like that is : and as with this truly even, speaking of the very fact that, Print Media in all again, does speak truly even, and of what is truly possible, and as with regards to our personal realities and the human experience too, and for all those who do live in the Modern/Western World too that is.

In all though, the world of Chemistry, must not be confused and with that of Alchemy too, for while Alchemy was very much Greek, Chemistry in all again, was known to the Egyptians : and in the form too perhaps and in the very least too that is, and of Egyptian Cooking actually. However though, what is been truly said here is that, to live in a World heavily based around Chemistry and the Sciences, and instead of one heavily based around the Arts & Design, or even Values & Belief Systems too, is to in all ways even, speak of it, and as with regards to its attempts to shape our Physical Worlds in all, and as with they defined even, and as consisting of Play, Mediums and finally Imagery in itself too. That in all, in a world truly defined by Chemistry, a Physical World that is, not only does one have Play, and as compared to Entertainment too actually, but in all ways truly even, speak of Mediums in themselves, is to in all ways even, speak of Water, and as base Medium too, and as used in all again, to support all facets of life that is. That in all, the very act of Play, can lead to an injury, or even the need for a certain form of materiality even, and that in all again, in a world heavily based around Chemistry, Play in all, truly coming to define, just what kind of Chemical Compounds in all, and as prepared in all again, and as based around the base Medium/Energy source of Water too, are truly needed to solve ones problems, and that in all again, Order, Religious too, and in a Physical World and as defined by Chemistry in all, does speak in all ways even, of Cultural Images, Cultural motifs, and finally in all again, Cultural mosaics too that is : and not Political Imagery in all, and as with speak even of Political Imagery in all again, heavily defining our Modern Physical Worlds too that is.

In all again, Water, and as a base Medium too, and one in all again, used to help manufacture even, any kind of Materiality in all and as including Technology in itself too, and as with furtherly saying that, speak of Technology and in a Physical World heavily defined by Chemistry in all, does in all ways even, speak of a World in all again, and as centered around Water in itself too, and as with it even coming to define Play in society too, and that in all again, the very dynamics of Play in itself, and as with Thought patterns and Free Play too, coming to in all, help in creating and defining Technology in itself too that is : all this said because, Technology and in the Modern Physical World, and one based around Entertainment - (Paper) Mediums - Political Imagery too, does speak of the use of Paper, and as with further speak even of Technical Drawings in all, and in attempting to actually design Technology too, and as highly based around Entertainment and Political Imagery issues in all that is : and with all this too, speaking of Intensive Research in itself, and in all ways even, grand inefficiency too, and as compared to just how Technology in all, was created in the past (and rather individually too that is).

In all, the above, does not speak of the worlds of Physics or Biology either, and as the Modern News Media, might very much want one to believe in that is, and as with furtherly saying that, the very world of Physics, is highly based around Locomotion (activity, movement, motion) in itself, and as with this speaking of a Physical World in all again, highly based around Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics that is), and with that based around Biology in itself, speaking in all ways even, of a Physical World in all, and as highly defined by truly understanding, just what Memory truly is : the differing kinds, types or even forms too, and of Memory that is.

Monday 13 August 2012

Man and his Symbols

Man and his Symbols.

Christian Symbolism vs. Modern Symbolism:

When we do speak of Modern Symbolism, we are in all ways even, referring to just how in all, such Symbolism too, Modern, has very much come, to define the International arena, and of the Modern World too that is. That unknown to most, and to many a traditional European too perhaps, such Symbolism, Modern, has not only come to generally influence behaviour and as seen amongst Human populations in all and everywhere too, but in all ways even, truly influencing Human behaviour in all again, and from a largely Memory based perspective too : meaning that, such Symbolism in all, Modern again that is, actually does influence, just how we do remember, recall or recollect in all, just about anything in our lives too, and which in many a way too, has turned the Worlds populations in all, and into one that is, and as based around just how our Memory Systems in all again, recall-recollect-remember, do actually work that is.

Unknown to many too, Women in all again, and in the Modern World too, are highly treated in all too really, and as Symbols in themselves actually, and in many a way too, leading to Women in all, and as versus Religion that is, to come to strongly influence the lives, and of those who do live, and in the Modern/Western World too that is.

In all ways even, is to tell many a traditional European that, it is perhaps best in all again, and as with referring to the wellbeing of Europe in itself too, to truly acquaint oneself with Christian Symbolism in all, and as in many a way even, not only does such Symbolism in all again, speak of a core European Identity too, but in all ways truly even, the acknowledging that, Symbolism in all, does truly influence our Memory Systems and such that, we do recall, recollect or remember things in all again, and in a certain manner too, and in all ways even, all this making life far more pleasant and memorable too, and when associated with Christian Symbolism that is, and as compared in all again, to Modern Symbolism too, and which in all, does make life far much more uglier perhaps, and than one might believe it to be that is : and as with truly perhaps, basing ones life in all again, and as totally based around, modern Advertising for instance.

In many way perhaps, a shock to many, but in many a way too is to very much say that, Europe in all and as with speak of the present and Modern History too, can probably be said to be the BMW and as with this referring even to Modern Symbolism in all that is, and while in the past, it was in many a way, the Jesuit Cross in all, and that did represent Christian Symbolism in many a way too, and as with it perhaps even, going rather well and in memory too, and with European Architecture for instance.

Memory (recall, recollect, remember) and Symbolism:

The BMW:

The Jesuit Cross:

Saturday 11 August 2012




Charlemagne as Myth, and in all ways truly even, the true History of Austria, and as Myth too that is : and through the times in all, and very well into the very times, and of the Austro-Hungarian Empire too that is.

The European Philosophers

The European Philosophers.

Christian Philosophy vs. Modern Philosophy:

Many a European today, might not be truly aware in all, and of what does go on, and in and around the World in itself too. That in all, many a European, and on reading an International Newspaper or two, might very well truly wonder, just why in all, the peoples seen in such News sources in all again, do seek to behave or even, very much live lives, and as they do that is. In all ways even, is to attempt to tell many a traditional European that, and as with all this even, referring to modern Europe in itself too, that we do in all, live in a World, very much defined and on the average too, and by Modern Philosophy in itself actually. That Modern Philosophy, is not what most do think it to be : and as many an International Prize Award in all, might want one to believe, but in all ways truly even, Philosophy in all again, heavily grounded in all, and in the Experimental actually, and as with this even, speaking primarily of Statistical Inference in itself, and not the Theoretical truly either. In all, what they do term the Theoretical, does speak in all ways even, and of having a good idea in all, and on what is truly happening and just about anywhere too, and at any given time too that is, and as compared in all again, and to the Statistical, and Statistical Inference in all, and which in all ways even, does speak of an interesting fact or statistic, and which in all again, is supposed to give one a clue or even an idea too, and on what is happening, and just about anywhere too that is, and at any given time too actually.

In all again, is to perhaps recommend in all, and to many a traditional European too, the very world of the European Philosophers, and as with they even, having been truly Christian Philosophers that is, and as in adding that, their Philosophies in all, were truly grounded in the Theoretical, and therefore, could readily be applied to living life in Europe directly, and as compared in all again, and to Modern Philosophy in itself, and as including many an International Prize Award too, and which in all again, does speak in all too even, and of a mere fact or statistic too, and that some in all, might truly find interesting perhaps, and as with this now, believed even, a real or good prognosis too, and for engaging in all again, and in a Statistical Theory in all, and that some would believe perfect, and in the attempt, to detail, explain or even control Life in itself too actually.

In all, the European and Christian Philosophers, and as recommended to traditional Europeans too, and as with they even, having been rather famed Technologists, and as with speak too even, of the famed Italian Geometers too : and as with adding that, alot of modern Technology in all and that does look rather impressive too, does have its roots, and in the very world too, and of the Italian Geometers in all, and their Mathematical Theories too that is.

A History of the World (1800 - present)

A History of the World (1800 - present).


A Comprehensive History of the World, and in the last 250 years in all that is.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

The Christian Matyr

The Christian Matyr.

Global/Trans-national European Identities:

For many a traditional European in all, and who in all again, does very much wish to visit in all, the very world outside Europe in itself too, is to best perhaps be advised that, the modern usage, and of modern European National Identities too, and to travel all over the World, is not truly recommended in all, and as with the World even, a far more dangerous place in all, than one actually does believe it to be that is.

In all ways even, whenever a traditional European in all again, does seek to travel outside Europe, one should in all ways even, fashion oneself, and very much too, and as a Christian Matyr that is : meaning in all again, a person not too afraid of death in itself, and as with the belief even that, one is always, and as with this precise moment too, always dying that is.

In all ways even, while the above does speak of the whole World in all, it does in all ways even, refer mainly to the Middle East, and even Asia too actually. That in all, when one does think of the Middle East, don't think Israel or Saudi Arabia either, but in all ways truly even, do think Palestine, and as with Palestinians even, somewhat Christian in their ways that is : and as with this even, referring in all, and to the history of the English Crusades, and in the Middle East too that is. On the otherhand, when one does think Asia, don't truly or actually think Australia or New Zealand either, or even Hong Kong too, but in all ways truly even, do think Japan, and as with it even, having a Christian history in all, and in the form too, and of Italian and Dutch Jesuits in all again, and that did make Japan their home once upon a time that is.



European Cultural Imagery:

Many a traditional European, might perhaps be in the know that, many another traditional European, and during the period in all, that did immediately even precede the rise of the Holy Roman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire too, did in all ways even, choose to move, and into the region now said known as Abyssinia too : it in all again, very much the old name too and of Ethiopia in all, but in all ways truly even, also speaking of Kenya and Somalia too.

In all ways even, the reason for all this, does speak of European Cultural Imagery too, and as seen in Abyssinia too that is. That in all, various forms of European traditional life in all again, and from food, to music, to dressing/clothing, to literature etc., does exist now in all, and in Abyssinia too, but written/presented in all again, and in a rather different Communicational manner too that is, and as compared in all, and to that seen too, and in traditional Europe too that is.

The first difference in all and as seen and between traditional European Cultural Imagery in all, and as seen again and in Europe too, and as versus that in all again, seen in Abyssinia too, does in all ways even speak of basic lifestyles that is. That in all again, traditional Europeans, and as with basic lifestyles too, were mainly founded around Farming oriented Nations/Family based lifestyles, while traditional basic lifestyles in Abyssinia, are very much Nomadic in their ways actually, and in all ways even, speaking of Family, and in the form of a People too, but in all ways truly even, all this referring referring to Ancestral/genetic lineages that is.

Second off, the main difference in living, and between traditional Europe and Abyssinian European lifestyles in all, does lie with the very fact that, traditional European lifestyles in all again, are very much culturally based around Medieval myth and lore too, while that in Abyssinia, speaks of cultural traditional lifestyles in all again, and as heavily based around Media in itself, Recitals/'Religious gatherings' too, and finally in all again, (Religious) Prose in itself too; but with all this, speaking of an underlying element to it all, and as very much consisting of Religious Media, and that similar in all again, and to that seen in the CD posted above, and by Harmonia Mundi too : Lord Herbert of Cherbury's Lute Book that is.

Finally, is to also speak of the main difference and between European lifestyles in all, and in traditional Europe too, and as compared to those, seen in Abyssinia too that is. That in all, traditional European lifestyles, did at the very least speak even and of one being in all, educated perhaps, and in Philosophy in itself too, and as with this even, believed in all again, the only thing needed, to survive and make it through life, while in Abyssinia, it does speak in all again, and of being well acquainted even, and with Esoteric Writings in all, and as arising too, and from Esoteric Christianity too that is. The main difference though, and between traditional lifestyles in all, and as seen in Europe and Abyssinia too, does in all ways even, speak of the desired end sought that is. That while in Europe, an education in Philosophy in all, then does speak of Philosophical musings in themselves, and as with regards truly even, to the Heaven in all, one does wish to attain that is : and as with saying that, European life in all, is very much perceived and from the arrival point of view actually, and such that, the whole goal of it all, is to always arrive, and into a Heavenly destination that is, and in the most perfect manner too actually. This though, is not true of Abyssinia, and where in all life in all again, and as highly even, based around Esoteric Writings too, does speak in all again, and of viewing life in itself, and as not truly a Heaven either, but in all ways truly even, as a Nirvana actually : or a place in all again and whereby Tranquility in all, does rule actually. But with all this and in all again, very much all about viewing life in all, and from more or less a departure based perspective too: that in all ways even, one has truly seen the end in all, that one is seeking out, and as a vision too perhaps, and such that, one in all again, is always going through life in itself, and as if in all, ready to depart and from one point and to another too, and before the final departure in all again, and into the end sought in itself, is finally made that is : and as with this even, speaking of truly knowing what a perfect relationship is like, and before one does engage in it too that is.

Popular Abyssinian Esoteric Writings:

Sunday 5 August 2012

The Euro

The Euro.

European Monetary Politics:

Many a European today, is not fully understandable, and of what in all, the Euro, and as a Currency too, does imply in all, and as with regards truly even, to speak of a European Identity too that is. In many a way, one does find that, many a European in all, does feel reserved and about the Euro in all again, and as with it even, giving rise to many a complication, and of what in all, does constitute, European Identity in itself too. For some Europeans, and who in all again, do revel even, and in living in Europe's golden past times too, the Euro in all, does present an opportunity, and for Europe in all again, to rise, and to the very helms even, and of the World stage too that is. For many another European, the Euro in all, does speak even, of foregoing European Identity and as historically known too, and for one in all again, that is very much Immigrant filled too that is.

To help many a European understand the Euro better, and away in all, and from opinions and as arising even, and from the rather socially stratified European Business world too, is to in all ways even, speak of what in all, was the main true reason or purpose even, and for the Euro in itself too that is. That initially, the Euro did speak of bringing Europe together, and very much as one too, and Economically too that is, and as with this in all referring even, and to travel and holidaying in all again, and around Europe in itself too that is. In many a way, all this did lead in all again, and to the attempts even, to have the Euro in all, embark very much, and onto the World stage too, and as a World Currency that is: and as with it even, facilitating in all, World Trade too actually.

For those Europeans, and who did in all again believe in Europe in all, relieving its golden past too, and as very much based around the Euro in all, this in all ways even, has very much led to viewing of the World in all, and from very much too, an American perspective that is: and as with this even, referring to viewing the American Dollar in all again, and as not only a threat to their Worldly ambitions that is, but in all ways even, a threat in all again, and to Europe's Economies too actually. For those Europeans and who are not too enthusiastic and about the Euro too, it in all ways even, does speak of their fears, and as with regards truly even, to Wealth transfer in all, and from not only Europeans hands too, and to those deemed modern Europeans in all too even, and as with this speaking of many an Immigrant too, but in all ways truly even, the undervaluing perhaps, and of traditional European Wealth, and even Traditional European Knowledge Systems in themselves too perhaps.

To perhaps best help the average European understand what the Euro truly is, is to at the very least know that, it in all again, is not actually a Currency in all, but in all ways truly even, an Investment tool actually. That in all, whenever you do use the Euro, you are actually Investing in something, and as in speak even, of investing ones time too, and in something too that is, and as compared truly even, to traditional European Currencies in all, and which in all again, did at the very least speak even, and of Commerce and European Business too, and in all ways even, European Culture in all that is. To perhaps even better understand this much better, is to know in all ways even that, the Euro and as an Investment tool too, does speak in all ways even, of European lifestyles, and as seen in Kenia too actually, and not in Europe in itself either: and as with Europeans traditionally too, not in the habit of holidaying regularly, and as is the case, of European populations in all, and as to be seen in Kenia today too that is.

In many a way, speak of the Euro and as a World Currency too, does speak in all ways even, and of comparing it in all, and to the American Dollar, and Japanese Yen too that is. That in all ways even, the American Dollar, has gained a great footing in all, and on the World stage too, and due its in all too even, concentrating on the World Markets too that is. To much better understand this, is to know that, the Euro in all, does position itself, and on the Global/World scale too, very much in the mold, and of an Economic Powerhouse that is. What this does truly mean is that, the Euro, does attempt in all again, and via many an Investment firm too, to fully represent European lifestyles in many a way, and in the form too actually, and of the very speak even, and of Family Households too that is: that in all, what the Euro is attempting to do on a World scale, is to in many a way even, export European culture somewhat, and to other regions of the World too, and via modeling in all again, Family Households all over the World too, and in a somewhat European fashion too that is. In all ways even, Europes Industrial ambitions and around the World, are very much Family Household oriented in all, and as compared to the American Dollar on the otherhand, which does in all again, speak of Individual efforts and successes too that is. In all, the Euro, and as attempting in all again even, to take over Economies and Family Household Budgets too, and in other places around the World in all, and as compared to the American Dollar, and its emphasizing specifically, and on World Trade too, and as based around the World Markets that is: and as with Markets in all, rather Individual in their ways too actually.

Finally, you do have the Japanese Yen, and which in all ways even, has gained prominence in all, and due to attempts, to very much consolidate the whole of Asia, and in Economics and Identity too perhaps, and as based around even, the War efforts of Japans Imperial Family that is: that in all, the Japanese Yen, and as the standard Currency in all, to be used all over Asia too, and in helping facilitate Trade, Business or Commerce even, and all over Asia too that is.

Finally in all again, is to speak of the British Pound, and as with it even, gaining prominence in all, and as highly based around its operating very much too, and in the very realms too, that did in all again support Slavery, Imperialism, Colonialism and even British Mercantile activity too, and as with the British Pound even and in many a way too, helping keep all these Legacies, Slavery etc., very much alive that is: and as with Canada even, very much falling somewhat under British Imperialism too that is.

In all again perhaps, is to in all ways even tell many a traditional European that, their ability in all again, and to keep their traditional ways intact, very much does lie, and with France too actually. To perhaps better explain this simply, is to speak of just how France in all, Belarus too, and even Britain that is, can possibly help replace the Euro in all, and in the lives too, of traditional Europeans that is. That in all, Europe, and as a famed Cultural place in all and historically too, does in all ways even, speak of regulating traditional Europe and at the very least too, and from a highly Cultural perspective, and not a Political/Monetary or Fiscal perspective either that is. In all ways even, this does speak of giving France the leeway, and to in all ways even, help come define European culture and in many a way too, and as with this even, all about pricing products, that those in traditional Europe would very much find helpful, and in French Francs too that is. In all ways even, Belarus, and as helping moderate this form of activity in all, and as with this referring even, to questioning France in many a way, and all the above too, made real in all, and via Media in all again, and as emanating from Britain too that is. In all, a simple way for traditional Europeans, to think of Europe's Markets in all again, and as with saying that, engaging in the very world of the Euro, does speak in all ways even, of it giving rise, and to the very troublesome World even, and of Investment Advisors too, and as with they even, coming in all ways even, to define European life too, and very much away from the European Church, European Royalty, or even European Traditional Knowledge Systems too that is: and as with all this even, speaking of viewing all Europeans in all, and as including Immigrants too, and very much as one and the same, and very much too, as basic Investors that is.

In all ways even, is to also finally speak of what the Euro, the American Dollar or the Japanese Yen even, truly does mean, and for just about everyone out there too that is. That in all, they do speak of exporting Politics in all again, and as seen in Europe, America and Japan even, and to the rest of the World too, and such that, the preponderance and of the American Dollar everywhere, has very much given birth, and to American styled Politics, and just about everywhere else in the World too that is: and as with this even, speaking of American styled invasions, and by one Country, and of another that is.

In all ways even, the very recommendation and to traditional Europeans too that, the very best way in all perhaps, and to see the World Markets in all again, is very much from the perspective of the South African Rand, and as with South African Politics in all again, very much deemed even, rather suitable and for the rest of the World too, and as with speak too even, and of South Africa too, and as a said 'Rainbow Nation' too that is.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Historic Sites

Historic Sites.

American History:

While many a European today, is quick to truly view or perceive in all too even, America, and from New York and the Statue of Liberty too, and as the Scandinavia often does, or even truly again, from Washington D.C. and its many Monuments too, and as Russia and the UK/England often do, it is however best believed in all again that, Europeans in all, should best view America, and as not only coming in from Boston too, but speak too even, of the Boston Common Park actually: and as with this even, referring to its History that is. In all ways even, the very reading too, and of Newspapers and News Journals in all, and as originating in all again, and from Boston too, and as compared in all again, and to the reading of News Dailies in all, and as emanating truly, from New York, or Washington D.C. in itself too actually.