Monday 13 August 2012

Man and his Symbols

Man and his Symbols.

Christian Symbolism vs. Modern Symbolism:

When we do speak of Modern Symbolism, we are in all ways even, referring to just how in all, such Symbolism too, Modern, has very much come, to define the International arena, and of the Modern World too that is. That unknown to most, and to many a traditional European too perhaps, such Symbolism, Modern, has not only come to generally influence behaviour and as seen amongst Human populations in all and everywhere too, but in all ways even, truly influencing Human behaviour in all again, and from a largely Memory based perspective too : meaning that, such Symbolism in all, Modern again that is, actually does influence, just how we do remember, recall or recollect in all, just about anything in our lives too, and which in many a way too, has turned the Worlds populations in all, and into one that is, and as based around just how our Memory Systems in all again, recall-recollect-remember, do actually work that is.

Unknown to many too, Women in all again, and in the Modern World too, are highly treated in all too really, and as Symbols in themselves actually, and in many a way too, leading to Women in all, and as versus Religion that is, to come to strongly influence the lives, and of those who do live, and in the Modern/Western World too that is.

In all ways even, is to tell many a traditional European that, it is perhaps best in all again, and as with referring to the wellbeing of Europe in itself too, to truly acquaint oneself with Christian Symbolism in all, and as in many a way even, not only does such Symbolism in all again, speak of a core European Identity too, but in all ways truly even, the acknowledging that, Symbolism in all, does truly influence our Memory Systems and such that, we do recall, recollect or remember things in all again, and in a certain manner too, and in all ways even, all this making life far more pleasant and memorable too, and when associated with Christian Symbolism that is, and as compared in all again, to Modern Symbolism too, and which in all, does make life far much more uglier perhaps, and than one might believe it to be that is : and as with truly perhaps, basing ones life in all again, and as totally based around, modern Advertising for instance.

In many way perhaps, a shock to many, but in many a way too is to very much say that, Europe in all and as with speak of the present and Modern History too, can probably be said to be the BMW and as with this referring even to Modern Symbolism in all that is, and while in the past, it was in many a way, the Jesuit Cross in all, and that did represent Christian Symbolism in many a way too, and as with it perhaps even, going rather well and in memory too, and with European Architecture for instance.

Memory (recall, recollect, remember) and Symbolism:

The BMW:

The Jesuit Cross: