Wednesday 8 August 2012



European Cultural Imagery:

Many a traditional European, might perhaps be in the know that, many another traditional European, and during the period in all, that did immediately even precede the rise of the Holy Roman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire too, did in all ways even, choose to move, and into the region now said known as Abyssinia too : it in all again, very much the old name too and of Ethiopia in all, but in all ways truly even, also speaking of Kenya and Somalia too.

In all ways even, the reason for all this, does speak of European Cultural Imagery too, and as seen in Abyssinia too that is. That in all, various forms of European traditional life in all again, and from food, to music, to dressing/clothing, to literature etc., does exist now in all, and in Abyssinia too, but written/presented in all again, and in a rather different Communicational manner too that is, and as compared in all, and to that seen too, and in traditional Europe too that is.

The first difference in all and as seen and between traditional European Cultural Imagery in all, and as seen again and in Europe too, and as versus that in all again, seen in Abyssinia too, does in all ways even speak of basic lifestyles that is. That in all again, traditional Europeans, and as with basic lifestyles too, were mainly founded around Farming oriented Nations/Family based lifestyles, while traditional basic lifestyles in Abyssinia, are very much Nomadic in their ways actually, and in all ways even, speaking of Family, and in the form of a People too, but in all ways truly even, all this referring referring to Ancestral/genetic lineages that is.

Second off, the main difference in living, and between traditional Europe and Abyssinian European lifestyles in all, does lie with the very fact that, traditional European lifestyles in all again, are very much culturally based around Medieval myth and lore too, while that in Abyssinia, speaks of cultural traditional lifestyles in all again, and as heavily based around Media in itself, Recitals/'Religious gatherings' too, and finally in all again, (Religious) Prose in itself too; but with all this, speaking of an underlying element to it all, and as very much consisting of Religious Media, and that similar in all again, and to that seen in the CD posted above, and by Harmonia Mundi too : Lord Herbert of Cherbury's Lute Book that is.

Finally, is to also speak of the main difference and between European lifestyles in all, and in traditional Europe too, and as compared to those, seen in Abyssinia too that is. That in all, traditional European lifestyles, did at the very least speak even and of one being in all, educated perhaps, and in Philosophy in itself too, and as with this even, believed in all again, the only thing needed, to survive and make it through life, while in Abyssinia, it does speak in all again, and of being well acquainted even, and with Esoteric Writings in all, and as arising too, and from Esoteric Christianity too that is. The main difference though, and between traditional lifestyles in all, and as seen in Europe and Abyssinia too, does in all ways even, speak of the desired end sought that is. That while in Europe, an education in Philosophy in all, then does speak of Philosophical musings in themselves, and as with regards truly even, to the Heaven in all, one does wish to attain that is : and as with saying that, European life in all, is very much perceived and from the arrival point of view actually, and such that, the whole goal of it all, is to always arrive, and into a Heavenly destination that is, and in the most perfect manner too actually. This though, is not true of Abyssinia, and where in all life in all again, and as highly even, based around Esoteric Writings too, does speak in all again, and of viewing life in itself, and as not truly a Heaven either, but in all ways truly even, as a Nirvana actually : or a place in all again and whereby Tranquility in all, does rule actually. But with all this and in all again, very much all about viewing life in all, and from more or less a departure based perspective too: that in all ways even, one has truly seen the end in all, that one is seeking out, and as a vision too perhaps, and such that, one in all again, is always going through life in itself, and as if in all, ready to depart and from one point and to another too, and before the final departure in all again, and into the end sought in itself, is finally made that is : and as with this even, speaking of truly knowing what a perfect relationship is like, and before one does engage in it too that is.

Popular Abyssinian Esoteric Writings: