Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Physical World

The Physical World.

The Modern World:

When we do speak of the terms the Western World or even the Westernized World too, we in many ways truly even, are speaking of the attempts in all, and by the Western World too, to create wholly new Cultural Identities in all, and away from those seen and in our Religious pasts too, and with the Westernized World in all again, speaking of those deemed Non-Westerners in all, and who in all again, do attempt to aspire to meet or portray even, Cultural Identities in all, and that are in alignment, and with those seen in the Western World too that is.

The Modern World though and on the otherhand, does in all, actually speak of our Physical World : and just how Modern lifestyles in all, have come to shape or mold it that is. To understand this much better, is to also know that, the Modern World in all, is a breakaway and from the past too, and where in all again, Art & Design, and as including Intelligent Design and speak of Technology too, was heavily used to define our Physical World, and with certain other parts of the World in all, and not deemed too prosperous perhaps, operating in all again, and from rigid even, Values & Belief Systems too that is : and as with this even, referring to what they do call the Disciplines, and as including the Scientific Disciplines, and when thinking of Technology too that is.

The Modern World though, is a strong even, breakaway and from all this. For while the Western News Media in all again, does attempt to have many a person believe that, our very World, the Physical World, is heavily modeled and as based around the very study too, and of the Subject of Physics that is, and with others even, truly believing the future in all again, to be actually heavily based around Biology in itself too, and as with sarcastically truly even saying that, the promises in all, and of the modern world of Physics too, were never truly delivered, and in all ways even, speak of Biology and as with it coming to define our future Physical Worlds in all again, does seem in all, to be in a rather poor and bad taste too, and as with regards truly even, to beliefs of the Modern Scientific revolution in all, coming to very much save a Humanity in all again, now desperate for Self-Images in all too really, and as with they having foregone Religion too, and Self-Images too, they believe will deliver them, and from the mass Human suffering in all again, and as seen all over the World today too that is.

The truth though in all, and as with regards to the Modern World too is that, it has come to be heavily defined in all, and by Chemistry in all too really that is. Most though, don't truly see how this is, and as with their lack of understanding in all again, and of just what facets of life in all, the Modern World and Chemistry too, has come to replace in our lives, and as with their redefining in all, the Physical World too that is.

In all ways truly even, is to then attempt to tell many a traditional European that, what the Modern World has truly done to us, has been in all ways even, redefine our Physical Worlds, and very much too, away from Play that is. That in all, in our past Worlds, and especially in all again Europe truly too, everyday life in all, was heavily defined by Play actually, and as with this facet of life, making a rather strong showing in European life, and as with probably adding that, it was the Europeans and of all peoples too, who did truly master Play : and as with Play too, an Intellectual activity actually, and as compared in all again and to life in America for instance, and which did in all ways even, speak of a life truly based around enjoying oneself and as much as one could, and in the name of Freedom, Liberty and Civil Liberties too.

To understand what the world of Chemistry in all though, is truly all about, and just how in all again, the Modern World, has actually failed to understand the very world of Chemistry too, is to in all ways even, speak of Chemistry, and as truly based around only one word/term: Mediums. That the very world of Chemistry in all, heavily falsely believed all about manufacturing plastics or many a chemical too, is actually truly in all again, simply merely all about, Mediums that is. What though, is a Medium? To many a traditional European, this is probably well known, but in the spirit of sounding boisterous, is to in all ways even, truly associate Mediums, and with Energy sources in themselves actually.

To perhaps in all again, explain Chemistry in a simple manner, is to in all ways even, attempt to associate it all, and with Cooking in itself too. That Chemistry in all, is truly in all again, only defined and by speak of Physical Substances too, and which in all again, are brought together, and via a Medium too : and as with this referring even, and to a Heat Energy source for instance, and with the end result being in all again, a Chemical Compound too : and as with furtherly adding that, Water in all again, can be said to be the most common/base of Mediums, and as with it even, an Energy source and by itself too that is.

The above though, does not fully explain our Modern Physical Worlds. That in the very least, our Modern Physical Worlds, can very well be reduced, and to nothing more than Mediums too actually : and as with this referring even, to the Modern Worlds obsession, and with Energy in itself too that is. While in all again though, Water can be said to be the most important base Medium, and when it does come to Chemistry too, in the Modern World in all again, one does find that, it is very much Paper, that is often considered a base Medium in all, and when it does come to helping define our Modern Physical Worlds that is.

To perhaps best see all this better, is to speak in all again, and of a Modern World too, where Play in all again, has been replaced and by Entertainment too that is, and with Paper and as base Medium in all, used to represent our desires and wishes even, and when it does come to Entertainment in all, and as with Paper in it itself too actually, used in all again, to not only present Entertainment possibilities in all, but truly also even, the Political Imagery in all, needed to support these lifestyles that is : and as with furtherly saying that, what they do call Print Media in all, does serve in all ways even, and as a picture in all again, and of how our Modern Physical Worlds in all too really, do look like, are supposed to look like, or even will look like that is : and as with this truly even, speaking of the very fact that, Print Media in all again, does speak truly even, and of what is truly possible, and as with regards to our personal realities and the human experience too, and for all those who do live in the Modern/Western World too that is.

In all though, the world of Chemistry, must not be confused and with that of Alchemy too, for while Alchemy was very much Greek, Chemistry in all again, was known to the Egyptians : and in the form too perhaps and in the very least too that is, and of Egyptian Cooking actually. However though, what is been truly said here is that, to live in a World heavily based around Chemistry and the Sciences, and instead of one heavily based around the Arts & Design, or even Values & Belief Systems too, is to in all ways even, speak of it, and as with regards to its attempts to shape our Physical Worlds in all, and as with they defined even, and as consisting of Play, Mediums and finally Imagery in itself too. That in all, in a world truly defined by Chemistry, a Physical World that is, not only does one have Play, and as compared to Entertainment too actually, but in all ways truly even, speak of Mediums in themselves, is to in all ways even, speak of Water, and as base Medium too, and as used in all again, to support all facets of life that is. That in all, the very act of Play, can lead to an injury, or even the need for a certain form of materiality even, and that in all again, in a world heavily based around Chemistry, Play in all, truly coming to define, just what kind of Chemical Compounds in all, and as prepared in all again, and as based around the base Medium/Energy source of Water too, are truly needed to solve ones problems, and that in all again, Order, Religious too, and in a Physical World and as defined by Chemistry in all, does speak in all ways even, of Cultural Images, Cultural motifs, and finally in all again, Cultural mosaics too that is : and not Political Imagery in all, and as with speak even of Political Imagery in all again, heavily defining our Modern Physical Worlds too that is.

In all again, Water, and as a base Medium too, and one in all again, used to help manufacture even, any kind of Materiality in all and as including Technology in itself too, and as with furtherly saying that, speak of Technology and in a Physical World heavily defined by Chemistry in all, does in all ways even, speak of a World in all again, and as centered around Water in itself too, and as with it even coming to define Play in society too, and that in all again, the very dynamics of Play in itself, and as with Thought patterns and Free Play too, coming to in all, help in creating and defining Technology in itself too that is : all this said because, Technology and in the Modern Physical World, and one based around Entertainment - (Paper) Mediums - Political Imagery too, does speak of the use of Paper, and as with further speak even of Technical Drawings in all, and in attempting to actually design Technology too, and as highly based around Entertainment and Political Imagery issues in all that is : and with all this too, speaking of Intensive Research in itself, and in all ways even, grand inefficiency too, and as compared to just how Technology in all, was created in the past (and rather individually too that is).

In all, the above, does not speak of the worlds of Physics or Biology either, and as the Modern News Media, might very much want one to believe in that is, and as with furtherly saying that, the very world of Physics, is highly based around Locomotion (activity, movement, motion) in itself, and as with this speaking of a Physical World in all again, highly based around Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics that is), and with that based around Biology in itself, speaking in all ways even, of a Physical World in all, and as highly defined by truly understanding, just what Memory truly is : the differing kinds, types or even forms too, and of Memory that is.