Saturday 11 August 2012

The European Philosophers

The European Philosophers.

Christian Philosophy vs. Modern Philosophy:

Many a European today, might not be truly aware in all, and of what does go on, and in and around the World in itself too. That in all, many a European, and on reading an International Newspaper or two, might very well truly wonder, just why in all, the peoples seen in such News sources in all again, do seek to behave or even, very much live lives, and as they do that is. In all ways even, is to attempt to tell many a traditional European that, and as with all this even, referring to modern Europe in itself too, that we do in all, live in a World, very much defined and on the average too, and by Modern Philosophy in itself actually. That Modern Philosophy, is not what most do think it to be : and as many an International Prize Award in all, might want one to believe, but in all ways truly even, Philosophy in all again, heavily grounded in all, and in the Experimental actually, and as with this even, speaking primarily of Statistical Inference in itself, and not the Theoretical truly either. In all, what they do term the Theoretical, does speak in all ways even, and of having a good idea in all, and on what is truly happening and just about anywhere too, and at any given time too that is, and as compared in all again, and to the Statistical, and Statistical Inference in all, and which in all ways even, does speak of an interesting fact or statistic, and which in all again, is supposed to give one a clue or even an idea too, and on what is happening, and just about anywhere too that is, and at any given time too actually.

In all again, is to perhaps recommend in all, and to many a traditional European too, the very world of the European Philosophers, and as with they even, having been truly Christian Philosophers that is, and as in adding that, their Philosophies in all, were truly grounded in the Theoretical, and therefore, could readily be applied to living life in Europe directly, and as compared in all again, and to Modern Philosophy in itself, and as including many an International Prize Award too, and which in all again, does speak in all too even, and of a mere fact or statistic too, and that some in all, might truly find interesting perhaps, and as with this now, believed even, a real or good prognosis too, and for engaging in all again, and in a Statistical Theory in all, and that some would believe perfect, and in the attempt, to detail, explain or even control Life in itself too actually.

In all, the European and Christian Philosophers, and as recommended to traditional Europeans too, and as with they even, having been rather famed Technologists, and as with speak too even, of the famed Italian Geometers too : and as with adding that, alot of modern Technology in all and that does look rather impressive too, does have its roots, and in the very world too, and of the Italian Geometers in all, and their Mathematical Theories too that is.