Wednesday 8 August 2012

The Christian Matyr

The Christian Matyr.

Global/Trans-national European Identities:

For many a traditional European in all, and who in all again, does very much wish to visit in all, the very world outside Europe in itself too, is to best perhaps be advised that, the modern usage, and of modern European National Identities too, and to travel all over the World, is not truly recommended in all, and as with the World even, a far more dangerous place in all, than one actually does believe it to be that is.

In all ways even, whenever a traditional European in all again, does seek to travel outside Europe, one should in all ways even, fashion oneself, and very much too, and as a Christian Matyr that is : meaning in all again, a person not too afraid of death in itself, and as with the belief even that, one is always, and as with this precise moment too, always dying that is.

In all ways even, while the above does speak of the whole World in all, it does in all ways even, refer mainly to the Middle East, and even Asia too actually. That in all, when one does think of the Middle East, don't think Israel or Saudi Arabia either, but in all ways truly even, do think Palestine, and as with Palestinians even, somewhat Christian in their ways that is : and as with this even, referring in all, and to the history of the English Crusades, and in the Middle East too that is. On the otherhand, when one does think Asia, don't truly or actually think Australia or New Zealand either, or even Hong Kong too, but in all ways truly even, do think Japan, and as with it even, having a Christian history in all, and in the form too, and of Italian and Dutch Jesuits in all again, and that did make Japan their home once upon a time that is.