Tuesday 31 July 2012

New Spain

New Spain.

Europe & America:

Many a European today, has been conditioned in all, to probably see America, and as their closest ally even, and when it does come, to any problematic situation that is; and all this too, despite, the Cold War in itself actually. In many a way, this does also refer in all, and to just how most Europeans today, do view America in itself: very much from the very perspective too that is, and of the American Civil War, and speak too even, of America in all again, and as divided, and into the Northern and Southern States too. This is not exactly true, and as while America is pretty much a big place in all, it is not as big, and as one would truly think it to be; it in all again, America today, inhabited in all, and by cultures too, not truly American in their ways that is.

The best way though, to see America and as it is today, is from the very perspective, and of the American-Mexican War: or even simply again, the Mexican War that is. A War too, originating very much in New Mexico State, and as in speak too of some Mexican settlements there actually, and which in all again, would very much lead, and to America in itself, heavily becoming a Country of Immigrants too.

In viewing America as such, is to first of all allude to the very much misleading in nature, information in all, that America's Southern States, are pretty much Spanish today, and as with Mexico too that is. This misleading information, in many ways truly even, does claim that America's Southern States, have been pretty much swamped over, and by a huge number of Illegal Immigrants, said to be coming over, and from Mexico too that is. The truth is, this is not exactly right and in just about every way too: America in all that is, its Southern States, pretty much Spanish in nature that is.

The best way though to discern America in all, and philosophically too, and as it truly is, is as coming in, and from Boston, America too: it being historically Christian too that is, and as close as America, does actually get to Europe in itself actually. Second off, is the rather false belief that, Florida State, is pretty much Spanish in nature too. This is not true, as Florida in all, did come to be influenced and as an Independent State too, and by the very world even, and of Scholarly/Academic Spain too, and which in all again did give birth, and to Christopher Columbus in himself that is. Then you do have African, Congo, elements in all, and to be prominently seen even, and all over cities in all, and to be found, in Florida State too that is. Finally, Florida State in all, as having come to be strongly defined in all again, and by Cuba in itself actually.

Thats Florida State in a summary though. All this said, because Mexico today, is falsely presumed very much Spanish actually, and in culture too that is, when in reality, Mexico in itself, is very much actually somewhat German-Italian in its ways, and as with it even, having become as such, and via the Italian Jesuits and the Society of Jesus in many a way truly. Mexico, is not, very much similar to the American Southern States, and as many a modern Text even, would have one believe. You do in all also have Nevada State, and which is the place in all again, one could very well refer to, and as New Spain: and as with it even, housing a large population in all, and as coming in from Spain in itself too actually. It is Nevada State in all again, and just where in all, Spanish in America, does actually originate from, and as with saying that, many a Mexican in America today, is actually Spanish in nature, and via Nevada State too actually; and as with it even, the very home of America's Employment Bureaus in all. Employment Bureaus too, and as with speak even, and of the very rise too, and of the 'Wild Wild West' in all.

In many a way, speak of Europeans having moved to America, or Euro-America and as the Blogger, does fondly refer to them, does speak in all again, and of settlements in California, Washington State, and even Milwaukee State in itself actually. That in all, America today, is not what it truly does appear to be like, and as with furtherly stating that, it pretty much does consist of, and in Patriotism and Ideology too, and of all the American States, and minus Florida State, New Mexico State, the State of Nevada, the State of California, and in all ways even, Euro-America in itself: and with Euro-America too, in many a way even, Media and Architecture, that many in all, have come to closely associate, and with America's Wealthy class in all again, but falsely so too that is; that genuine and real Americans in all again, are in in many a way even, not similar to American Television or Hollywood movies even, but are in all ways truly even, very much like Al Pacino or Robert DeNiro too.

Traditional America:

Monday 30 July 2012



Italy & Europe:

Many a person and in Europe too, truly do not just how in all, to best perceive Italy. Italy in many a way, while considered European somewhat, does however have hints/elements to it, and that does speak of Greek, and Greek Egyptian culture that is.

Historically, many a European, has been prone to view Italy in all, and from the very perspective, and of Italian Mysticism too : and as with this even, referring to Italian Wealth in all, and as with truly even saying that, Italian Mysticism, was much grander and deeper in its ways, than French Mysticism truly was.

For the average European today though, the main way of perceiving Italy in all, does lie with its Language actually : with that being Italian too. That Italian in itself, a Semite Language, and similar in its ways to Greek, or even similar Languages in all, and as seen in Egypt too that is, is perhaps in all again, the most comprehensive and comparative too, and of all European Languages that is. That Italian, is actually capable of taking the form of just about any European Language, from English, to French, to German, to Swedish, to Russian or even Scottish in itself actually : and as with English too, having first been spoken, and in an Arthurian fashion and in Italy too, and not in the known (Italian) Celtic version either. Having said this, is to also mention that, Italy today, and as lacking stature in all perhaps, does very much have to do, and with the kind of Italian, spoken in it : an Italian in all, somewhat Spanish in its ways actually, and not only speaking of the modern connection and between Spain and Italy today too, but also very much, the kind of Italian in all, one would very well associate, and with 'Little Italy' too for instance.

In all ways though, while the just mentioned above viewpoint, is a fine way of looking at Italy, the Blogger on the otherhand, Godric, does also recommend the viewing of Italy, and from the perspective of the Italian Church actually. That while in all again, Europe in all, was heavily defined by Gnostic Christianity, but with the Christian World too, Esoteric Christianity that is, very much enveloping Europe as a whole, the Italian Church is actually rather huge, and as with it even, housing 31 different forms of Religious modes in all: from Religion (Arthurian), to Occultism, to Spiritualism (Dante Alighieri), to Gnostic Christianity, to Esoteric Christianity (Christian), Theism, and even Animism, and all this amongst many others too that is; and with Religion too, very much speaking of the very realms, and of Theology, Ideology, Psychology etc. In all truly even, Italy too, and as very much considered, the very home, and of the Bible too that is.

In all ways even, is to also state that, Italy was very much Civilization, and as with telling many a European that, there is a part of Italy in all, they truly don't know too much about, and as with it even, speaking of the name Italy in itself too, and a sphere too, very much Greek, and Egyptian in its ways actually, and rather Mythological too, and as with it even, best embodied by none other than Giacomo Casanova himself, and the very world too, and of the rise of Mercantilism in all, and as borne of Christianity too, or even, the discovery in all again, and of the shores of America in itself, and the very birth too, and of old Boston in America that is : and as with this even, referring to Italian settlements in all, and in America too.


Sunday 29 July 2012



Copenhagen & Uppsala:

There is a tendency in all, and with those in Europe too, to primarily in all again, view Europe in itself, and as coming in from London too, and as with this referring even, and to having an International outlook in all, or even speak of a Global presence too that is. In many a way, this has had many a traditional European in all, coming to have an outlook on life in itself, and as highly based around Media and Celebrity figures in all, and as emanating from London too. The end result, has seen a growing social stratification, and in European Society in itself, and such that, there has been a huge rise and in competition too, and as based around Social Images in all, and as with they even, now said to truly define European Identities in all, and as very much based around the very pursuit of sex, money and pleasure in itself too, and as with this even believed, the very true purpose of living out life in itself actually. In all, a mentality too, that does connect Europe today, and to just about any other City and not Country truly either, and as with those in New York, Rio de Janeiro, Capetown, Sydney, Tokyo or even Cairo in itself actually, truly believing in all, that they can very well become somewhat European in name and nature too, and by attempting to infiltrate Europe in all, and via London's Media and Celebrity like figures actually.

In all again, is to tell those in Europe that, there is a much better way of viewing themselves, and socially too, and as it all, very much based around the very world too, and of the Norse that is. The Norse too, and as with one in particular referring to Denmark and Sweden too, while Norway in all, has mainly been influenced by the Vikings, and with Finland too, very much Lapland in its ways actually.

In many a way though, is to tell those in Europe that, and especially the traditionals too, that when they do think in all, and of viewing themselves and from a highly Local perspective in all, but with this in all again, referring to have an International outlook of a kind actually, then it is best in all again, to view Europe in itself, and as centered around the city of Uppsala and in Sweden too that is. When it however, does come to viewing Europe and from a Continent oriented basis, then it is best in all again, to mainly forget Germany and as perceived even, and via London's Media too in all, and instead, view the whole of Europe, and as centered mainly around the City of Copenhagen in itself, and Denmark too that is. In all ways even, this does speak of viewing the Local and the Continental in all again, and also the International and Global too, and very much from the world of Norse Mythology in itself, and as with even suggesting that, one can in many ways even, associate Uppsala in itself, and with Carl Linnaeus Gustav in himself, and Copenhagen too, and with Denmarks rather famed old Christian Kings that is : and as with they even, a symbol of Europe as truly Christian in its Worldview, and not Marxist or London either.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Scand. Media

Scand Media.

Britain vs. the Scandinavia:

When many in all, do think of the Scandinavia, they never do truly think it, and from the perspective of Media too. They in all again, prefer to view the Scandinavia, and as separate in all, and from Europe too, and by perhaps viewing it and in all again, and in a similar light too, and to 'the UK' in all, or even, viewing it as primarily Culturally centered around Sweden in itself, and just as the rest of Europe too, is somewhat said to be Culturally centered around France that is, or even finally again, the Scandinavia in all, and as a rather Independent Political entity in itself, and very much too, separate from the Marxist leanings and as seen in the rest of Europe too, and as with Europe in itself too, seeing itself this way in all, and as somewhat centered around Russia in itself too that is.

The term Scandinavia though, can best be used, to refer to its rather unique Media in all, and as with saying that, what does unite Europe as one and in many a way too, is the similarity in all, and in its Media too, and as with it even, having origins in many a way, and in Britain too, while the Scandinavia in all again, can very well be said, to have a rather unique Media to itself, and rather independent too, and of Britain in itself that is.

European Media:

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Europe Continental

Europe Continental.

European Continental Identities:

To speak of the term 'Europe Continental', is to perhaps in all again, speak of Cultural encroachment, and into Europe in itself too. That this issue or matter even, and of Cultural encroachment, has been one far more problematic, and in Europe's History too, and as compared, to that of Political survival in itself that is. That in all, while events in all again, and as leading to the French Revolution in itself for instance, are heavily viewed, and from a Political stance, they are in all actually, truly all about Cultural encroachment: and a fine way even, for Europeans in all again, to truly see themselves, and as they are today, and as with attempting even, to view themselves historically too, and since the French Revolution in itself too perhaps, and from the perspective truly even, and of Social Identities too that is. That in all perhaps, the true History of Europe, and since the French Revolution in itself, has been all about attempts and in all too really, and by Europeans too and as still living in Europe in itself that is, and as with regards, to the creation in all, and of Social Identities too, and that they truly can live by that is.

However though, this attempt, has not been as successful and as many a European perhaps, would have liked. This is said because, the very issue of Cultural encroachment, is still rather real in Europe in itself, and as with saying that, there has been a noticeable fall and in the fluency of Language in itself, European Languages that is, and as spoken within Europe in itself too, and due mainly, to the matter/issue, and of Cultural encroachment in itself too that is : that in all, the next generation of Europeans, will truly in a many way even, have deviated, and from speaking European Languages too, and in a formal European manner perhaps, and towards one too that is, that is somewhat even, Americanized that is.

To help Europeans truly see themselves and as they truly are perhaps, and as with regards even, to Cultural encroachment in itself too, is to speak even, and in many a way too, and of what some do deem 'players' in all, and in the Business world too actually, or even 'political players' that is, and as with regards truly even, to just how Cultural encroachment in itself, has come to become, a rather political and social issue in all, and within Europe too that is.

First off, is to speak of Europes Blonde populations. They in many a way, are perceived as being, more genuinely European, and than many another kind/colour of European too that is. The reason for this, very much has to do, and with the very concept of Play too, and as seen in European culture too that is. That in all, when one does think adventure or simply relaxing in all too even, and in Europe too, it was very much the Blond populations, that did come to shape this kind of culture, and amongst White Europeans too that is. In many a way even, this does refer to speak of Europes rather developed Riverine system, and as with Europe too, housing many a River, and which in the past, did serve as an inspiration too, and for many a Social Gaming & Sporting activity, and which was in all again, dominated by Europe's Blonde populations that is. However though, one does see that European Play in all, actually did come to be shaped and by a rather unlikely source too : Northern Basque Spain. For it was here and in all again, where and unknown to many a person too, European Play, truly came to be defined in character and in many a way even, and as with speak too even, of Medieval Spain in itself that is, and as with it too, having consisted of a largely Blonde population too that is. In all again, and for the unknowing European too, Europe's Blonde populations, coming to very much find a home, and in Northern Basque Spain too, and as with not only with regards to character in itself, but in many a way too, the only exception to this rule perhaps, being Europes Scandinavian Blonde populations, and which by character too, have more or less been shaped, and by Scandinavian Lore that is: and as with the Scandinavia too, not as Riverine, and as Europe truly is. The problem herein though, does speak of Europes Blonde populations in all, and their connections even, and to other Blonde populations and as seen around the World too, and as with they even and eventually that is, coming to shape European Play in all, and even Social Play too perhaps, and in a rather unconventional manner that is : and as with what even, does consist of romance in itself, and in European culture too that is.

The second issue and as pertaining to Cultural encroachment and in Europe too, does speak of the English People in themselves. That the English, and in the last 250 years perhaps, have come to have an adverse effect, and on Europe too, and as with regards truly even, and to what does truly constitute, European Knowledge Systems. That in many a way even, the English, and during the times of the Antebellum South in itself, did choose to move to America and in many a way too, directly apply, not only English Knowledge Systems, but also general European Knowledge Systems too, and into American life, and in the name of Commerce and Business/Industry too, and as with they even partnering in all, and with the American Government in itself that is. The problem with this, was twofold in many a way. First off, life in traditional America, has always dictated that, one should not be allowed direct access, and to many a Knowledge System too, and without having proven themselves, naturally American. The English though, do go into America, and do in all ways even, hand over European and English Knowledge Systems, and to many a person in all, deemed an immigrant or an outsider too, and and to America in itself that is. The end result, was the Immigration Boom of the 20's in all, and in many a way even, the English in themselves, can be blamed, and for the rather many even, Immigrant issues, that America does face today actually. Secondly, has been in all again, the very rise in itself, and of Modern Capitalism too, and as with it even, falsely believed of American origins in all, when in reality, it was born of English and European Knowledge Systems too, and as with traditional America even, housing rather different Materiality in all, and as compared to that seen too, and in the Modern World that is. The end result, has seen the somewhat merging of European Knowledge Systems, and those arising in the Modern World too in all, and with the end result, being the very birth of the English speaking World, and as with it even said, to constitute of the UK, Canada, the United States of America, Australia, and even South Africa and to some extent too. That in all, these populations had unfair access and to Knowledge Systems too, that were never theirs, and as result, are somewhat European but not truly so, and in their mentalities that is: and as with they even, delusionally too, truly believing, Europe to be their true home actually.

American Materiality:

The third issue/matter and of Cultural encroachment too, does very much have to do, and with European Immigrants in all, and as with they even creating a habit based culture in all, and that some too, do readily in all identify even, and as being very much modern Continental Europe in its ways that is. That in all, many an Immigrant and to Europe today, is not truly a Swedish citizen or even a French one too, but in all ways even, a Continental European citizen perhaps : and as with they even, finding Cyprus in itself, a home of a kind too actually. These Immigrants, many of them a worker even, can be said, to be not only the source of a Party culture too, and to be seen all over Europe / 'Ibiza' even, and as with it even not truly European at all, but truly Immigrant, but that in all again, these Immigrants in all, and as with their interacting rather closely and with Europeans too, have somewhat come, and to affect the very habits even, and of modern day Europeans too that is : and as with this even referring, and to just how Europeans in all again, do greet each other in general that is. The end result, is truly very much, the very dearth too even, and of everyday European Social customs too that is.

Fourthly, is to speak in all again, and of an insidious form of Cultural encroachment, and that does arise, and within Russia in itself : Marxisim; and speak too even in all, and of its variants, and such as Stalinism or Leninism too actually. In many a way, all this referring even and to a whole new group of people too, many not even a true European that is, and their attempts in all again, to spearhead a movement in all, and in the attempt too, to Industrialize the whole of Europe, and along the lines of World War 2 Germany that is. The end result has been the very birth of what some do call the Russian Empire in all, but as with it even, coming to in all again, heavily confuse even, many a European, and as with regards truly even, to what does go on and not only within Europe in itself, but also truly even, what does go on outside it actually. In all, Marxist views, and as coming in all again, and as with regards truly even, to Communications protocols in themselves, to strongly influence in all, not only many a European Official culture that is, but also truly even, modern Europe's Educational System too. The end result again, has been many a European, falsely viewing the problems of the World, and from a Marxist perspective too, and as compared perhaps, and to a Modern Capitalism perspective that is, and as with many a European too, falsely believing that, it is best in all, and as with Marxism even, for Europe in all, to make friends all over the World, and as with safeguarding even, their interests in all that is. The end result, Europes very Borders and as with they even, very much open and to peoples in America, Japan, Australia or even Central Asia too, but speak too even, of Europe in itself, and as extending in all, and to not only Siberia in itself, but also into Northern Africa, and even Israel too perhaps. This in all, a mentality too, and born of the Russian Empire, but without speak of its many problems too, and as with warning in all too even, many a European perhaps, that the Modern Capitalism worldview, does dictate in all that, it is those you do befriend, that will eventually in all again, come to harm, or destroy one actually.

Fifth in line, is to perhaps, hope to make clear to many a European, and of the danger too, and of what one could very well call African culture. That unknown to many a Europe, for many a Black and White African perhaps, Spain in itself, has become a Gateway, Cultural too, and by which many an African, does make their way even, and into Europe too that is. A Gateway too, and as with saying that, many a Spanish City perhaps, now does hold culture in all again, that is at the very least even, rhythmically African, and as with it even, coming to affect everyday life in Spain too, and just as strongly perhaps, and as during the Moorish times and in Spain too that is. The problem with African culture, truly does lie in the fact that, and as with this even referring to White South African culture too, that it can be highly in all, rather addictive in some ways actually. That in all, using a few words and of African slang too, and oftenly too that is, can in many a way even, come to alter one actually, and as with this even, speaking of a strong change too, and in ones views, and on just about any topic too that is: and as with one even, coming to think, and of many a topic too, and from the perspective of African rhythms in all, and as with one foolishly even, thinking in a rhyme, and that does flow too, and with an African slang word that is. In many a way, one has to know that, African culture, and as emanating from the Niger-Kordofanian Language group too, and which does include the Bantu peoples of Cameroon and as with they too, rather similar in all, and to White South Africans too, and even when rather small in size or scope, can come to have a much bigger impact, and on the culture of a place, and than most actually do truly believe them to do : and as with the case even, of the American South for instance. In many a way too, to make this perhaps confusing but in an interesting manner too, is to let many a European know that, Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, do not have African cultures, and of the Niger-Kordofanian kind in them, and are therefore, less truly African in nature, than parts of the American South even, truly are : and as with Europe too, disturbingly even, developing a similar trend in all, and to the unregulated introduction and of African cultures, and into the American South in itself that is. In all, the very use of Religious Advisory Bodies, should in many ways even, be recommended, and when thinking, and of the rather peculiar and interesting too, and in nature that is, African cultures.

Finally, is to perhaps in all again, speak of how many a person on average, and outside Europe in itself too, does truly regard themselves in all even, and as average people too. That in all, the average person outside Europe, has been conditioned to view and see themselves, and as defining freedoms and liberty in themselves too, and from a said oppression, and from European/Western Powers too actually : and as with this too, referring to modern America in all too even, and speak even, of Independence Day that is. That in all, Europeans are viewed in a somewhat animosity filled manner, but as with this referring even and to Moderners/Westerners in all again, and as with speak too, of Independence, speaking in all again, and of the futile attempt and by many, to become truly European perhaps, and in just about all ways even. In all again, half-truths and as propagated by the British Media in the UK, and as with regards truly even, to what did truly happen around the World, and not only during the Colonial and Imperialism Years that is, but also truly even, during the time period, and that does come into effect, and after the French Revolution in itself that is. That in all, Europe and the UK too, does go on a conquering rampage perhaps, and all over the World too, and which in all ways even, is actually not truly factual : and as with it hiding the fact too that, most actually, and of the Slaves seen in the Americas, did actually originate in Asia, and not within Africa in itself either. Yet still, is to also tell many a European that, there is a growing trend and around the World too perhaps, and of many a people, Individuals too, seeking to align their basic selves even, and not with speak of Colonialism or Independence too, but in many a way truly even, truly seeing themselves, and as coming from a more distant History that is : and as with their realizing even, that the effects of Colonialism in all, were not only Generational in their ways, but that in all again, there is far more to be gained, and in self-image and psychology too, and from viewing oneself in all again, and from a rather different perspective too that is : and as with some groups even realizing that, Colonial or Imperial forces in all, only did affect in all again, certain populations, and within a said conquered Country too that is. In helping many a European, come to view themselves, and as they must even, and as the World does continue to change, is to in all ways even ask them, to change from viewing themselves, and from the perspective of Conquerors and the givers of Independence too, or even truly again, from International Media based Physical Imagery and that does promote in all, what some do call 'White Worship' that is, and towards in all again, a way of viewing themselves, that is more worthwhile and as with discerning even, the true state of the World that is. This change of view in all, can best be summarized as : Alexandrian (Greek) Egypt. That in all again perhaps, many a European today, is more inclined to view themselves and others, and from International Media based Physical Imagery, that does not only worship white skin in all, but also Caucasoid features in themselves, and as with attempting even, to erase past forms of kinship in all, and as based around Speech patterns too that is. In all, a Europe today that does believe that those capable of being European in all, to look somewhat Greek-like, and as with many a European even, believing in forming strong family bonds, and with Americans too, when in reality, Europeans in all, should truly turn to the very world of Alexandrian (Greek) Egypt, and as seen in Scotland / 'Scottish Freemasonry' too, and as with it in all even housing, various Philosophical and Biographical texts too, and which could in all be of great help, and in helping one see their very Worlds, and as they truly are. In all, a Europe today, truly lacking what they do call a Moral Clause even, and as with being true to themselves and their pasts even, and along the lines of behaviour in itself too, and as with saying that, Philosophical and Biographical works too, and with the very least of them being those of Robert Burns or Isaac Newton too perhaps, capable in all, and of helping many a European today, remain true to their pasts and themselves, and without their having to suffer the adverse effects, and of selling out, and to their moral/religious selves to say the very least.

In all, the above 6 points, should be taken into consideration, and by many a European today too perhaps, and as with some even, coming off rather innocent, and as with many a European out there too, not truly aware, and just how far in all, Ethnic/Minority Media in all again, has truly come, and as with regards truly even, to promoting non-European Social and Success Images in all, and that are not in alignment, and of just whom in all again, Europeans in all, do believe the outside World, to be truly like : and as with some of these Images in all, and as borne too perhaps, and of the Rap Music Industry world even, in conflict too, and with the general nature and of many a European too that is.

Saturday 21 July 2012



European Geo-Politics:

There are two regions of the World, that might be of a heavy interest even, and to many a European too. They are in all ways even, Central Asia and South America actually. The reason for this, has to do with Geo-Political reasons; that in all, these two regions, Central Asia and South America, are in many a way even, truly obsessed somewhat, and with European cultures too that is, and as far even, as going in all to actually represent themselves, and Internationally too, and very much by using European Symbolism/Imagery that is: and as with many a search even, and on Google Images too, showing many a European figure in History, and as very much looking like South American, or Central Asian too actually. The end result, is a belief that, and by many out there too, that genuine Europeans in all, are actually rural in their ways, and in modern Europe too that is, while South Americans and Central Asians in all again, are perceived as being genuine Europeans, and via or by the (International) Media too that is.

In many a way, Europeans have agreed to all this, and as with a false belief even, they are somewhat in all truly similar and in many a way even, and to South Americans, and Central Asians too. In attempting to prove this is not so, is to first attempt to tell Europeans that, in general behaviour in all, they are actually similar to those seen and in the formerly termed 'British Eastern Africa' too: and as with the British even, having been found in the Sudan, and as far as Tanzania too, but that in all again, and in Physical looks, they are similar to those in Italy, and what one too, could very well call Continental Europe that is : and which does include modern Greece too actually.

Having said all this, is to speak in all again, and of just whom Central Asians and South Americans truly are. The History of Central Asia in all, is not too well known and to many a person too. Its first inhabitants though, are very much Asiatics, and originating in all, and in a place one could very well call Indo-China: and which is where China in all again, does actually meet Southeast Asia and in many a way too. As a result, alot of the native tongues spoken in Central Asia, are of Indo-China origins, and as a result even, Central Asians in all again, do heavily differ from Europeans, and as with European Languages in all, showing Greek antecedents to them that is. Having said that though, is to in all again speak of Egyptian colonists, and from 'Middle Egypt' too, the Hyskos, and who do in all again settle in Central Asia, and a region Herodotus once referred to as Colchis, but with time, these Egyptians in all again, are joined in numbers, and by populaces too, and from the Middle East, and especially Jordan, but also Asia/India in itself too actually: and as with many a White skinned person in Central Asia, actually being of Indian origins, and as with speak too even, of many an Aryan myth, that does claim that Aryans in all, were actually White skinned Indians.

However though, this does get even more interesting. Unknown to many a person out there, a European too perhaps, some groups in all again and from Indo-China actually, do sail the Seas, past the Swahili Coast too, and onwards to South America in itself. These reknowed sailors today, are often associated with a History of Sailing the Seas, and as seen in China once upon a time that is: and as with this referring even, to many a Chinese Emperor and who did choose to sail the Seas, but chose in all again, not to do so, and on Arab ships too that is, and that did very much too, sail the same Seas actually. The belief in all again that, Native American Indian tribes, are actually of Indian origins, is only true really, and of those seen in South America actually; but with some in all again, very much similar, and to the Hindus of India too actually. Yet still and unknown to many too, it is these downtrodden Native American Indian tribes and in South America too, that did actually give the region Language in itself , and as with all the peoples in South America, white, black or brown too, actually native speakers in all, and of not only these Native American Indian tongues in all, but other Languages too, and as emanating from Indo-China in itself actually. To make this even more interesting, groups from Central Asia, or even Colchis in itself, do actually leave the region, and make their way into Spain, and become the rather infamously known Visigoths of the region too. Interestingly enough, these Visigoths in all now, and as with their including many a Jordanian perhaps, do also settle in the West Coast of North Africa, and before making their way, and into South America in itself, and in many a way too, are truly responsible for the birth of South American nations, and before in all again, the Sicilian Amerigo Vespucci, does actually turn South America and as a whole, and into a known/recognized Political Entity in all that is.

In having said all this, is to hope that many an unknowing European, does actually recognize, the closest they do get to both Central Asia and South America too, and in culture too, is actually via the Spanish speaking Visigoths actually: and as with they even, known as the thieving and murderous Jews, and of (old) Spain too actually.



Friday 20 July 2012

The Middle East

The Middle East.

Political Perceptions:

For the average European, is to tell them in all again of, just how in all, to go about perceiving the Middle East in general actually. For many a European today though, this is often done via the lenses of the Business World in all, or even truly again, based on a rather false belief that, those in the Middle East, actually do speak good English, and when in reality, they simply merely have a Command of the Language actually {that in all, of all the peoples of the World, those in the Middle East, don't actually speak English in all, but merely in all again, simply have a Command of it, and as with this even, referring in all again to going as far as thinking in Arabic perhaps, but truly in all again, answering in English too that is}.

In all ways though, the above work 'The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye', and by A.S. Byatt too, is highly truly recommended in all, and as with it even, helping the average European in all again, make truthful and accurate even, perceptions in all, and of peoples in all again, and as originating in all, and from the Middle East too actually; and as with this even, referring to Saudi Arabians in all too that is.

Entertainment Media

Entertainment Media.

European Popular figures:

Unlike in America and where Entertainment Media in all, is actually truly used to entertain one, and make one simply feel good about themselves too and in one way or another, Entertainment Media in Europe on the otherhand, has always been truly all about, generating an idea or two, and on just how to go about, being popular or famous too that is. In all ways even, is to tell the average European that, when they do think Entertainment Media in all, then in all again, do think of Media and as emanating from Britain too ('northern England', Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland), and as with regards truly mainly even, to attempting to become popular, and on just about any given day too that is; and as with this speaking even, of generating a pleasant thought perhaps, and towards a Parent too even, or even truly again, thinking up a rather good social joke that is.

Thursday 19 July 2012

European Perspectives

European Perspectives.

Lisbon, 1755:

Europeans today, do tend to suffer alot, and from just how in all again, they do conceptualize themselves, and as a People too: this meaning, whom they are as Confident, Moral and Ethical persons that is. The reason for this, does very much appear, to do with a heavy even, misrepresentation, and of Nazi Germany's History too that is. That alot of material in all, and as pertaining to WW2, has been printed out in all again, and in many a way too, material now, used even by the UN in itself, and in attempting to describe, just whom Europeans truly are, and as Humane or Religious beings too, and outside the Church (European) that is.

In many a way, one does find that, many a European today, is highly even, afflicted by all this: the viewing in all, and of Europeans in general too, and as deep Closet Racists even, and such that, this has come to affect in all again, the general Personality, and of the average European too, and as with their wanting many a person out there, to respect them in all, and as worthy Humane beings that is; and not as being merely intelligent actually.

In all, one does find that, Nazi Germany's History, is often highly poorly presented in all, and as with the rather false belief that, the Nazi German Ranks, were all White or European too, or even the rather very false belief too that, all minorities seen in Europe then, did suffer the very same fate, and as supposedly in all again, 'European Jewish' populations, and as with Jews in Europe, never have been truly culturally European that is, in all again, did suffer actually.

In many a way perhaps, is to in all again perhaps too, best tell the average European that, and as with a self-perspective and of themselves and as a People too that is, that it would best in all again, for them, to re-direct how they do perceive themselves in all, and as a People too, and to the Events, that did take place, and in Lisbon, 1755 too: and as with not only speaking of the book above and by Edward Paice too, but that in all again, attempts to paint Europeans and as deep even, Closet Racists that is, fails to take into account the very fact that, most Europeans were never involved in the activities of Nazi Germany, and as with they even, not actually capable and of fitting into the highly Theological/Disciplined German world that is, but that in all truly even, their ability to move forward as a People, and not Individuals either, does lie in all again, and in not only knowing that similar Holocaust incidents in all, have occurred everywhere around the World, but that in all again, the very best way for one to truly perceive and see themselves, and a People too, is by judging oneself truly, and from the Events in all, and that did take place, and in Lisbon, 1755 too that is. In all, let this Historical Event, be the new defining Historical Event too, and by which many a European in all again, do judge themselves and as a People too, and not Individuals either, and as with regards truly even, to gaining a proper perspective on themselves, and as with the present day even, and as a People too that is, and in all ways even, allowing the average European too, to move on with their lives and as with the belief that, the events of 1755, and in Lisbon too, had very much to do then, and with Moral issues in all again, and as to be seen/found all over Europe today too that is: they being, just how in all, should one view themselves Morally, and as a People too, and not as Individuals truly either.

Wednesday 18 July 2012



Royal Identities:

With all the talk of Unions and Subsidies and that does tend in all, to proliferate European News Dailies, one does then truly wonder, what role in all again, do Europe's Royal Houses/Classes in all, have to play, and in modern Europe too that is. In all perhaps, is to best tell the average European too that, Europe's Royal Houses/Classes, are to be associated in all again, and with three main functions: Conventional Media, language/Speech and finally European Communications: and as an Industry too perhaps. That in all, when one does think Europe, and as an average European too, Europe's Royal Houses in all, and by Country/region too, can very well help the average European in all again, simply know how to think about Europe, and from the perspective in all, and of the Communications Industry too perhaps. Conventional Media too, and as with it even, speaking of Constitutional views and rights, and in all ways even, many a European Royal House in all again, using such Media, to either promote constitutional views in all, or even truly again, and as with the rise and fall of many a European Royal House, and the rise even, and of many a new one too, attempting to improve on constitutional views and rights, or even truly again, willing in all and by principle too, to deviate heavily and from the constitution, and with the goal perhaps, of helping promote a Constitutional reform that is.

Finally, language/Speech, and as with it even, helping heavily promote regional lifestyles in all, and rather than having Europeans too, associate life in all again, and in Europe too, and with City life that is.

European Poetry

European Poetry.

European Identities:

Poetry, can be said to be the most important, and of all Art forms, and to be seen in Europe too. Why this is so is because, it is the form of Art in all, that has historically been used in Europe, and to at the very least even, help in strongly fomenting, Political Identities in all that is. To speak of this much more clearer, is to speak in all again, of the three important roles in all, that Poetry does play, and in the lives of everyday Europeans too. First off is to say that, engaging in the reading or writing of Poetry, is at the very heart even, and of creating/defining European Individualism in all; that the European Individual, and as with he or she even, seeking out life to its utmost, only does exist as such, and in the very world too, of European Poetry actually. And with one truly even, probably going as far as saying that, the biggest enemy to the EU (European Union), does very much lie in, and in the very world of European Poetry too.

Second to all this is to say that, Europe in all again, has always been the hotbed, of many a language and tongue too, and as with Europe too, home to hundreds even, of differing dialects, languages and tongues in all, and that the very best way in all again, to very much keep all these languages in all, pretty much alive, is via the very world of Poetry actually: and as with these differing languages even, and as with speak too, of differing thought patterns in all, at the very least even, defining what does truly lie, and at the very heart too, of European Ingenuity and Creativity that is.

Finally is to very much state that, European Poetry, having come to define European Individualism in all, is in many ways truly even, at the very heart too, of European Political Identities actually: they in the past too, having been Language oriented, and as with speaking even, of the Romance, Germanic, Scandinavian Languages and tongues for instance. In all ways, with the rather known Political European division and of Western, Central and Eastern Europe too, known to most today, and with it having arisen in a post-Medieval world that is, and with the Medieval too on the otherhand, having Europe, romantically even, heavily divide itself and by Language group too, is to in all again, and as with speak too even of European Individualism in all, promote the writing of Poetry, and in differing European languages, dialects and tongues too, as this in all again, is believed capable of giving birth, to rather new forms of European Continental Political Identities that is, and as with European Poetry too, not only easily having many a European recognizing Portugal and as being more of a part of Europe too, and as compared to Italy or Spain that is, but in all ways truly even, having one realize just whom in all again is truly European, and just whom is not; and as with this even, speaking of Sentiments in all, and as highly defining the European in all again, and in the present World, or as seen in History too actually. All this too though, speaking again and of European groups in Kenia for instance, who do very much wish to create European Political Identities, and as arising from the world of European Poetry too, and as speaking in all again of viewing Britain, England, France and Germany, and as one Political existence for instance, and not only as based around a unique European Poetry that is, but very much made real too, and via many a European Cultural Institute actually.

In all is to again remind Europeans that, those deemed intrinsically European, are those truly in all again, very much in touch, with European Poetry, and as with it in all too even, truly defining in all again, not only Individualism in Europe, but also, Progress and as seen there in itself too actually; and as with it even, truly defining the European, and from a Religious perspective too that is.

The Neo-Arthurian (1) vs. the EU (2):

http://picbox.im/image/73b9c5c0d7-001f018e.jpg (1)

http://europeanpoetry.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/postcard_final1.jpg?w=420 (2)

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Nature b. Wisdom

Nature b. Wisdom.


The Oak Tree, is kind of a rather ubiquitous Tree in all, and all over Europe too that is. The purpose of this entry though, purports in all again to teach the average European too, and of olden forms of religion and spirituality, that a highly cultured European world, often at times seems to relegate to the back, and into the very realms too perhaps, and of believed past gone religious traditions too that is.

In many a way perhaps, and for the average European too, not only wishing to maintain proper Health in all, but in all ways truly even, attempting to forfeit all kinds of authority deemed unnecessary that is, is then the attempt in all again, and to introduce them and to a form of Spiritualism in all, that in many ways truly even, does have them becoming one with Nature too that is. In all ways even, it does speak of becoming one with the Oak Tree. In many ways too though, and as with this referring even, and to basic Gnostic beliefs too actually, becoming one with the Oak Tree, at the very least in all again, does refer to the ability in all, and to attune oneself and onto its Energy/Psychic fields/levels that is, and at the very least even, and as with regards, to connecting to it all, and as via ones Emotional field that is; and as with this all even, speaking simply in all again, and of the ability to at the very least even, attune oneself, and to the flow of water too perhaps, and within an Oak Tree's Trunk that is.

What all this will do for one, is at the very least even, and with the Oak in all again, truly representative of Nature in all and as seen in Europe too, have one at the very least, thinking and performing in all again, and as with regards truly even and to just about anything too, and along the lines of the efficiency in all, and as to be seen and in the workings too, of an Oak Tree perhaps, and Nature in itself, and as seen in Europe too that is. To make this much clearer, is to not only speak of the obvious Health benefits in all and as with regards to all this, and due in all again perhaps, and from behaving/performing/thinking as such actually, but that in all again, all this can truly open up ones Mind in all, and to the ability even, to truly be able, to simulate the inner workings of an Oak Tree too, or even Nature in itself, and as seen in Europe too that is. This opening of the Mind, can in all again, reach rather high levels even, and as with the ability in all too even, to not only so strongly envision the workings of an Oak Tree perhaps, and as with this even, truly helping with problem solving in itself, the envisioning of things that is, and problems too, and of just about any kind too actually, but in all ways truly even, the ability in all again, to truly open up one, and to different multi-dimensional existences in all perhaps, and as with equating this, to natural existences in all, but at different Energy levels that is: that at the very least, attuning oneself to an Oak Tree's Energy/Psychic fields, and as with they even believed to reach rather high heights and in Energy levels too, such that, attuning oneself to these higher Energy levels in all, and as with this too, speaking of strongly envisioning just how an Oak Tree does work, and in a rather detailed manner too, and such that, viewing an Oak Trees workings at these higher Energy levels in all again, and as with the details too that is, does open up one to viewing ones natural environments in all, and at the very least too, and from such detailed, and higher Energy levels too; and as with higher Energy levels here though, speaking in all again, and simply too, of natural environments exhibiting maximal efficiency in all, and in their inner workings too that is.

In all again, that is the basis of Nature based Wisdom and Spiritualism, and as in even saying that, it is believed that, attuning oneself and to Natures higher Energy/Psychic fields, does not only open one up, to discerning things and in a detailed manner too perhaps, but that this discerning in all again, can very well lead, and to one being transported in all perhaps, and at the very least too, and to a Parallel Universe of a kind actually; and with this referring in all again, to what they do call a Memory Relapse even, and as in stating that, Trees in all again, and as associated with Spirituality too, do speak of attuning to Natures/Earths Memory, and that in all again, moving into a Parallel Universe in all, does speak of attuning oneself perhaps, and as with ones Working Memory too, to a whole different Memory System, and which does have one recalling, recollecting or remembering things in all again, and in manner and way even, that Nature or the Earth truly did: and as with a Memory Relapse even, truly speaking in all again, and of a Time Distortion too perhaps, or at the very least even, ones Memory Systems now, and as attuned to those of Nature or an Oak Tree too, having one recall, recollect or remember things, and in a rather different manner actually, and as with speak even of the concrete Truth in itself that is. All this again though, not only referring and to the shamanic belief that Trees can heal one, and as with regards to Memory too, but that the Processing in all, and of this new Memory too, and as with speak even, of ones Visual Systems in all, can truly transport one, and into rather new realms too, and of the Parallel Universe kind actually.

In all again and at the very least too, is to tell the average European in all that, simply seek to behave or enact just about anything, and in manner too, that does attune oneself, and to the Energy/Psychic fields/levels of an Oak Tree, and as with this even, speaking of foregoing authority one cares not to know too much about, but that this in all again, will improve ones Health in all, but also truly even, mastering it and as a technique too, will open up ones Mind, and to being able, to strongly visualize or simulate even, not only the inner workings of an Oak Tree perhaps, but also truly even, the workings of just about anything deemed of interest, and as with this speaking even, and of many a difficult problem too that is.

In many a way though, is to also conclude and by saying that, the Blogger here in all, Godric, and while in Europe too, will seek to attune himself, and to the Waterfall too, and as with not only with regards to all the above, but also, as a basic way for the average European too, to be able in all, to recognize his ways and manners in general that is: and as with they even, somewhat Regal in their ways too actually.


Sunday 15 July 2012

European Politics

European Politics.

European Politics in a Nutshell:

Culinary based Media = Socialist Europe
Academia, Museums & Heritage sites based Media = Communist Europe

And as with furtherly adding that, with both kinds of Media in all, to be found in just about every European Country too, one can then truly say that, Communist and Socialist Thought in all, is to be found all over Europe actually; and not with either, to be associated in all again, and with certain Countries too that is.




European Media:

Europe as a whole, and today too, is often poorly perhaps, perceived in all, and from the mere perspective, of talk of Europeans and Immigrants too. This in many a way, is often highly perceived, and from the perspective in all, and of Media in itself. That in many a way, those termed Immigrant in all, do seek out representation in European Media, and so as to in all again, afford the best in life, and in Europe too that is. One should realize in all though that, survival in Europe in itself, is highly Media driven actually, and as in pointing out that, on attending a party in Europe, one of the main goals of it, is to promote oneself, and not, merely enjoy oneself, and as is the case, with an American party perhaps. In all, one does find that, Media in Europe, is highly targeted even, and towards survival issues, while that in America, is highly of the Entertainment kind actually: and as with America even, far more Bureaucratic in nature, than Europe actually is.

In having said this, is to also point out that, Media in Europe, can generally in all again, be said to be of two kinds. The first, and as associated truly even, with those Europeans in all again, one could truly call non-traditional, and as with they truly even, having deviated from traditional lifestyles in all or in many a way even, and Media too, and as highly based around the Culinary world actually, and as with this even, encompassing Cuisine, Wine and Beer Drinking, and finally even, the Fashion and Vehicle Manufacturing Industries for example. There is another Europe though, and which in all again, can be said, to be highly based around Media, and as emanating in all, and from Academic publishing, Museums & Heritage sites too, and as with this even, associated in all again, with Europeans one could call traditional, but in all ways even, encompassing, not only Sports Media, but also truly even, Book Award Shows that is.

In all again, the above, is a far much better way of viewing Europe in all, and as with speak even, of its Immigrant problem perhaps, and as with going as far as saying that, it is mainly in all, Immigrants, and who do very much look like North Africans too, who do tend to suffer the most exclusion, and from Media/life in all that is, and while in all again, Media, and which does go along with the Culinary world, is rather inclusive even, and of Black skinned peoples too, that though, which does go with the Academic, Museums & Heritage sites, is inclusive, of Brown skinned peoples in all. Once more is to remind one that, the former Media, Culinary world based, is non-traditional European, while the latter, is in all again, traditional European: and as with Academia in Europe, attempting to find in many a way even, a place, and for traditional Europe, and in this Modern World in all, we do actually live in that is.

In many a way even, is to go as far as controversially proposing that, Europe in all, maintain, two Governments, and by Country too that is. For one does find that, the very world of Media, and as based around the Culinary world, is highly associated in all again, and with the very world too, of European Government Subsidies, and as with this even, what does lie at the very heart too, and of the proposed European Union (EU). On the otherhand, one does find that, Media and as based around Academic publishing, Museums & Heritage sites, is in all ways even, very much regulated, and by the world of European Academia too, but in all ways truly, it being the part of Europe, that does require one, to be rather fluent even, and in European Languages too, and inorder, to be able to survive as they do; meaning that, as based around the Media in all, they do subscribe to that is; and with it again, very much being that of Academic publishing, Museums & Heritage sites too. In all too, one of the better ways, of classifying Immigrants in Europe, and as with finding that, most are obsessed, with the Culinary world Media, and not that of Academia, Museums & Heritage sites that is.

In all, perhaps one of the better ways to end the Tory and Labour divide in England, and as with saying that, the Blogger in all, Prince Godric Meredith and of the House of Meredith in Kenia (and as with it having historical connections too, and to the Britain based House of Stuart but now in England), the only true Europe, is that of Language, and not well managed Subsidies either.



Wednesday 11 July 2012

The Disciple

The Disciple & Europe.



There is a preponderance and amongst many a European too, to view India in all again, and from the very perspective even, of British Imperialism, its numerous Houses/Temples of worship, or even truly again, from its Arts and Cuisine; and as in saying truly that, this manner of viewing India in all, is actually very much Victorian in its ways truly. For many a person in Europe though, and when one does think India in all again, it is best in all perhaps, to think of its rather numerous and many even, Valleys and Rivers, and as to be seen, in its Nature that is: and as with saying truly even that, the viewing of India in all again, and from its Animal life forms too, does have its origins in all, and with American presences, and in Kenia too.



Classical Music from Kenia, and not Europe or Italy either: and as with this even referring to the fact that, this is original music in all, and as created/developed in Kenia too. In many ways too, so is the name Geminiani, and which is a name too, borne or associated in all, and as truly only, with Italians in Kenia too actually.




The American Genie:

There is probably a European or two out there, and who do think truly even, of moving to America perhaps, and as with regards truly mainly, to speak of Economic fortunes that is. Many too are perhaps unaware that, American History and America in itself, are often heavily even, misrepresented alot and as with referring even, to associating its History with only incidents of Oppression perhaps, or even truly again, only viewing America, and from its Real Estate & Housing Industry too, or truly finally even, believing in all again that, America, is the home of just about any Celebrity or Famed figure too, and worth noting that is.

The truth though is that, and as speaking of the European too, that America in all, has always heavily even, been defined by only one thing: its Persona; and as with it being Mascot too. That in all again, famed American Writers, Businesspeople, Inventors, Sport figures, Bureaucrats, Organized Crime, or even Musicians and Movie Stars too perhaps, were always one thing in Persona: Mascot (and not highly Educated or Trained either that is).




French Symbolism and Republican Thought/Ideals:

The History of France, has never been too little told, or to oft not repeated actually. For the name France in itself, has come to symbolically even, represent Europe as a whole, and more than England, Germany or Russia too, and for those in all again perhaps, and who do pretend, to truly know Europe that is. How though best, to speak of France in all? From its rather famed Language, its highly popular forms of speech, its unique Dress and as separate even and from the rest of Europe too, its Cuisine, its rather famed Media reknowed Cities and such as Paris, Marseille, Nice, Lyon and as compared to the other more generally known European Cities too in all, its famed literary and literature works, Paris in itself, or even truly perhaps, truly recognizing the majestic stature, and of the Musketeers of old, and as with they even, speaking of France, and of its Humour, and its rather famed Women and Sexualism too: and with the Queen of France, known to have the ear, and of just about any Monarch, and as seen in olden Europe too that is.

For those in Europe though is to tell them that, the easiest way to see France, is from associating in all, its rather reknowed culture and customs, and with those of Belarus too: and as with France and Belarus again, somewhat twins, and as with regards to all this. Or even truly again perhaps, telling anyone who did care to know France that, the best way to know it all too is from the Names, and as listed in all, and in the Pantheon, and as seen in Paris in itself that is. Names too, not very well known to many perhaps, but inorder to grasp whom they truly were is to say that, not too many another European Country or place even, or even just about any other civilization out there too perhaps, can truly etch the Names of its Great people, and in a Mausoleum too, and such as the Pantheon that is, and then actually truly believe, that these Names in all, etched that is, are actually befitting, and of a Mausoleum in all again, and such as the Pantheon too.

Perhaps another way though, to best recognize France and its famed peoples, is by seeing them in all again and as with this referring even, to the Names in the Pantheon in itself, and from French Cultural forms in all, and as seen too perhaps, in America in itself: and as with the attempts by the Americans too, to capture France in all, and by borrowing a Cultural motif or form here and there.

Ancien Regime (gone Pop):




Many a person out there, and who do seek out Europe too, and for the international experience that is, and in many ways truly even, to the detriment in all, and of many a traditional European too, and who in all ways truly even, do seek out to experience life in Europe, and as free as they can that is. When one though does think Soccer, Night Clubs, hanging out with Beautiful friendly women, late night eateries and Europe too, then do in all ways truly then, think Russia in all, and not London/England, France/Paris, Germany, or even Stockholm really.

Tuesday 10 July 2012






South Africa:


^the escort and the valet.




-- all around Sexuality

South Africa

South Africa.

When one does think South Africa, don't think Johannesburg, Pretoria or Capetown either, but truly in all again, Bloemfontein; and speak too perhaps, of its rather numerous Flower Beds/Gardens. And as with all this too, what Sud Afrique did truly stand for: not Apartheid truly or Pretoria either, but in all ways even, Bloemfontein.

Monday 9 July 2012



The true story of Kenia.




Once upon a time in America.....

....... and for the unknowing European too.



The Story of Europe in a three part formation.

Political: The Netherlands, England, France and Germany.

Religious: Ancient Britain/Britain/Arthur, Austria and Switzerland.

Cultural: Celt, Byzantine and the Scandinavia.

And all three, and as one, and in blood, faith and hope too perhaps, and in a belief, in Gnosticism, the Italians (and by Name too), and the Christian world: it being very much Italian and Portuguese really, and not truly French, English or Russian either.