Wednesday 18 July 2012

European Poetry

European Poetry.

European Identities:

Poetry, can be said to be the most important, and of all Art forms, and to be seen in Europe too. Why this is so is because, it is the form of Art in all, that has historically been used in Europe, and to at the very least even, help in strongly fomenting, Political Identities in all that is. To speak of this much more clearer, is to speak in all again, of the three important roles in all, that Poetry does play, and in the lives of everyday Europeans too. First off is to say that, engaging in the reading or writing of Poetry, is at the very heart even, and of creating/defining European Individualism in all; that the European Individual, and as with he or she even, seeking out life to its utmost, only does exist as such, and in the very world too, of European Poetry actually. And with one truly even, probably going as far as saying that, the biggest enemy to the EU (European Union), does very much lie in, and in the very world of European Poetry too.

Second to all this is to say that, Europe in all again, has always been the hotbed, of many a language and tongue too, and as with Europe too, home to hundreds even, of differing dialects, languages and tongues in all, and that the very best way in all again, to very much keep all these languages in all, pretty much alive, is via the very world of Poetry actually: and as with these differing languages even, and as with speak too, of differing thought patterns in all, at the very least even, defining what does truly lie, and at the very heart too, of European Ingenuity and Creativity that is.

Finally is to very much state that, European Poetry, having come to define European Individualism in all, is in many ways truly even, at the very heart too, of European Political Identities actually: they in the past too, having been Language oriented, and as with speaking even, of the Romance, Germanic, Scandinavian Languages and tongues for instance. In all ways, with the rather known Political European division and of Western, Central and Eastern Europe too, known to most today, and with it having arisen in a post-Medieval world that is, and with the Medieval too on the otherhand, having Europe, romantically even, heavily divide itself and by Language group too, is to in all again, and as with speak too even of European Individualism in all, promote the writing of Poetry, and in differing European languages, dialects and tongues too, as this in all again, is believed capable of giving birth, to rather new forms of European Continental Political Identities that is, and as with European Poetry too, not only easily having many a European recognizing Portugal and as being more of a part of Europe too, and as compared to Italy or Spain that is, but in all ways truly even, having one realize just whom in all again is truly European, and just whom is not; and as with this even, speaking of Sentiments in all, and as highly defining the European in all again, and in the present World, or as seen in History too actually. All this too though, speaking again and of European groups in Kenia for instance, who do very much wish to create European Political Identities, and as arising from the world of European Poetry too, and as speaking in all again of viewing Britain, England, France and Germany, and as one Political existence for instance, and not only as based around a unique European Poetry that is, but very much made real too, and via many a European Cultural Institute actually.

In all is to again remind Europeans that, those deemed intrinsically European, are those truly in all again, very much in touch, with European Poetry, and as with it in all too even, truly defining in all again, not only Individualism in Europe, but also, Progress and as seen there in itself too actually; and as with it even, truly defining the European, and from a Religious perspective too that is.

The Neo-Arthurian (1) vs. the EU (2): (1) (2)