Sunday 15 July 2012



European Media:

Europe as a whole, and today too, is often poorly perhaps, perceived in all, and from the mere perspective, of talk of Europeans and Immigrants too. This in many a way, is often highly perceived, and from the perspective in all, and of Media in itself. That in many a way, those termed Immigrant in all, do seek out representation in European Media, and so as to in all again, afford the best in life, and in Europe too that is. One should realize in all though that, survival in Europe in itself, is highly Media driven actually, and as in pointing out that, on attending a party in Europe, one of the main goals of it, is to promote oneself, and not, merely enjoy oneself, and as is the case, with an American party perhaps. In all, one does find that, Media in Europe, is highly targeted even, and towards survival issues, while that in America, is highly of the Entertainment kind actually: and as with America even, far more Bureaucratic in nature, than Europe actually is.

In having said this, is to also point out that, Media in Europe, can generally in all again, be said to be of two kinds. The first, and as associated truly even, with those Europeans in all again, one could truly call non-traditional, and as with they truly even, having deviated from traditional lifestyles in all or in many a way even, and Media too, and as highly based around the Culinary world actually, and as with this even, encompassing Cuisine, Wine and Beer Drinking, and finally even, the Fashion and Vehicle Manufacturing Industries for example. There is another Europe though, and which in all again, can be said, to be highly based around Media, and as emanating in all, and from Academic publishing, Museums & Heritage sites too, and as with this even, associated in all again, with Europeans one could call traditional, but in all ways even, encompassing, not only Sports Media, but also truly even, Book Award Shows that is.

In all again, the above, is a far much better way of viewing Europe in all, and as with speak even, of its Immigrant problem perhaps, and as with going as far as saying that, it is mainly in all, Immigrants, and who do very much look like North Africans too, who do tend to suffer the most exclusion, and from Media/life in all that is, and while in all again, Media, and which does go along with the Culinary world, is rather inclusive even, and of Black skinned peoples too, that though, which does go with the Academic, Museums & Heritage sites, is inclusive, of Brown skinned peoples in all. Once more is to remind one that, the former Media, Culinary world based, is non-traditional European, while the latter, is in all again, traditional European: and as with Academia in Europe, attempting to find in many a way even, a place, and for traditional Europe, and in this Modern World in all, we do actually live in that is.

In many a way even, is to go as far as controversially proposing that, Europe in all, maintain, two Governments, and by Country too that is. For one does find that, the very world of Media, and as based around the Culinary world, is highly associated in all again, and with the very world too, of European Government Subsidies, and as with this even, what does lie at the very heart too, and of the proposed European Union (EU). On the otherhand, one does find that, Media and as based around Academic publishing, Museums & Heritage sites, is in all ways even, very much regulated, and by the world of European Academia too, but in all ways truly, it being the part of Europe, that does require one, to be rather fluent even, and in European Languages too, and inorder, to be able to survive as they do; meaning that, as based around the Media in all, they do subscribe to that is; and with it again, very much being that of Academic publishing, Museums & Heritage sites too. In all too, one of the better ways, of classifying Immigrants in Europe, and as with finding that, most are obsessed, with the Culinary world Media, and not that of Academia, Museums & Heritage sites that is.

In all, perhaps one of the better ways to end the Tory and Labour divide in England, and as with saying that, the Blogger in all, Prince Godric Meredith and of the House of Meredith in Kenia (and as with it having historical connections too, and to the Britain based House of Stuart but now in England), the only true Europe, is that of Language, and not well managed Subsidies either.

