Wednesday 11 July 2012



The American Genie:

There is probably a European or two out there, and who do think truly even, of moving to America perhaps, and as with regards truly mainly, to speak of Economic fortunes that is. Many too are perhaps unaware that, American History and America in itself, are often heavily even, misrepresented alot and as with referring even, to associating its History with only incidents of Oppression perhaps, or even truly again, only viewing America, and from its Real Estate & Housing Industry too, or truly finally even, believing in all again that, America, is the home of just about any Celebrity or Famed figure too, and worth noting that is.

The truth though is that, and as speaking of the European too, that America in all, has always heavily even, been defined by only one thing: its Persona; and as with it being Mascot too. That in all again, famed American Writers, Businesspeople, Inventors, Sport figures, Bureaucrats, Organized Crime, or even Musicians and Movie Stars too perhaps, were always one thing in Persona: Mascot (and not highly Educated or Trained either that is).