Saturday 21 July 2012



European Geo-Politics:

There are two regions of the World, that might be of a heavy interest even, and to many a European too. They are in all ways even, Central Asia and South America actually. The reason for this, has to do with Geo-Political reasons; that in all, these two regions, Central Asia and South America, are in many a way even, truly obsessed somewhat, and with European cultures too that is, and as far even, as going in all to actually represent themselves, and Internationally too, and very much by using European Symbolism/Imagery that is: and as with many a search even, and on Google Images too, showing many a European figure in History, and as very much looking like South American, or Central Asian too actually. The end result, is a belief that, and by many out there too, that genuine Europeans in all, are actually rural in their ways, and in modern Europe too that is, while South Americans and Central Asians in all again, are perceived as being genuine Europeans, and via or by the (International) Media too that is.

In many a way, Europeans have agreed to all this, and as with a false belief even, they are somewhat in all truly similar and in many a way even, and to South Americans, and Central Asians too. In attempting to prove this is not so, is to first attempt to tell Europeans that, in general behaviour in all, they are actually similar to those seen and in the formerly termed 'British Eastern Africa' too: and as with the British even, having been found in the Sudan, and as far as Tanzania too, but that in all again, and in Physical looks, they are similar to those in Italy, and what one too, could very well call Continental Europe that is : and which does include modern Greece too actually.

Having said all this, is to speak in all again, and of just whom Central Asians and South Americans truly are. The History of Central Asia in all, is not too well known and to many a person too. Its first inhabitants though, are very much Asiatics, and originating in all, and in a place one could very well call Indo-China: and which is where China in all again, does actually meet Southeast Asia and in many a way too. As a result, alot of the native tongues spoken in Central Asia, are of Indo-China origins, and as a result even, Central Asians in all again, do heavily differ from Europeans, and as with European Languages in all, showing Greek antecedents to them that is. Having said that though, is to in all again speak of Egyptian colonists, and from 'Middle Egypt' too, the Hyskos, and who do in all again settle in Central Asia, and a region Herodotus once referred to as Colchis, but with time, these Egyptians in all again, are joined in numbers, and by populaces too, and from the Middle East, and especially Jordan, but also Asia/India in itself too actually: and as with many a White skinned person in Central Asia, actually being of Indian origins, and as with speak too even, of many an Aryan myth, that does claim that Aryans in all, were actually White skinned Indians.

However though, this does get even more interesting. Unknown to many a person out there, a European too perhaps, some groups in all again and from Indo-China actually, do sail the Seas, past the Swahili Coast too, and onwards to South America in itself. These reknowed sailors today, are often associated with a History of Sailing the Seas, and as seen in China once upon a time that is: and as with this referring even, to many a Chinese Emperor and who did choose to sail the Seas, but chose in all again, not to do so, and on Arab ships too that is, and that did very much too, sail the same Seas actually. The belief in all again that, Native American Indian tribes, are actually of Indian origins, is only true really, and of those seen in South America actually; but with some in all again, very much similar, and to the Hindus of India too actually. Yet still and unknown to many too, it is these downtrodden Native American Indian tribes and in South America too, that did actually give the region Language in itself , and as with all the peoples in South America, white, black or brown too, actually native speakers in all, and of not only these Native American Indian tongues in all, but other Languages too, and as emanating from Indo-China in itself actually. To make this even more interesting, groups from Central Asia, or even Colchis in itself, do actually leave the region, and make their way into Spain, and become the rather infamously known Visigoths of the region too. Interestingly enough, these Visigoths in all now, and as with their including many a Jordanian perhaps, do also settle in the West Coast of North Africa, and before making their way, and into South America in itself, and in many a way too, are truly responsible for the birth of South American nations, and before in all again, the Sicilian Amerigo Vespucci, does actually turn South America and as a whole, and into a known/recognized Political Entity in all that is.

In having said all this, is to hope that many an unknowing European, does actually recognize, the closest they do get to both Central Asia and South America too, and in culture too, is actually via the Spanish speaking Visigoths actually: and as with they even, known as the thieving and murderous Jews, and of (old) Spain too actually.
