Tuesday 31 July 2012

New Spain

New Spain.

Europe & America:

Many a European today, has been conditioned in all, to probably see America, and as their closest ally even, and when it does come, to any problematic situation that is; and all this too, despite, the Cold War in itself actually. In many a way, this does also refer in all, and to just how most Europeans today, do view America in itself: very much from the very perspective too that is, and of the American Civil War, and speak too even, of America in all again, and as divided, and into the Northern and Southern States too. This is not exactly true, and as while America is pretty much a big place in all, it is not as big, and as one would truly think it to be; it in all again, America today, inhabited in all, and by cultures too, not truly American in their ways that is.

The best way though, to see America and as it is today, is from the very perspective, and of the American-Mexican War: or even simply again, the Mexican War that is. A War too, originating very much in New Mexico State, and as in speak too of some Mexican settlements there actually, and which in all again, would very much lead, and to America in itself, heavily becoming a Country of Immigrants too.

In viewing America as such, is to first of all allude to the very much misleading in nature, information in all, that America's Southern States, are pretty much Spanish today, and as with Mexico too that is. This misleading information, in many ways truly even, does claim that America's Southern States, have been pretty much swamped over, and by a huge number of Illegal Immigrants, said to be coming over, and from Mexico too that is. The truth is, this is not exactly right and in just about every way too: America in all that is, its Southern States, pretty much Spanish in nature that is.

The best way though to discern America in all, and philosophically too, and as it truly is, is as coming in, and from Boston, America too: it being historically Christian too that is, and as close as America, does actually get to Europe in itself actually. Second off, is the rather false belief that, Florida State, is pretty much Spanish in nature too. This is not true, as Florida in all, did come to be influenced and as an Independent State too, and by the very world even, and of Scholarly/Academic Spain too, and which in all again did give birth, and to Christopher Columbus in himself that is. Then you do have African, Congo, elements in all, and to be prominently seen even, and all over cities in all, and to be found, in Florida State too that is. Finally, Florida State in all, as having come to be strongly defined in all again, and by Cuba in itself actually.

Thats Florida State in a summary though. All this said, because Mexico today, is falsely presumed very much Spanish actually, and in culture too that is, when in reality, Mexico in itself, is very much actually somewhat German-Italian in its ways, and as with it even, having become as such, and via the Italian Jesuits and the Society of Jesus in many a way truly. Mexico, is not, very much similar to the American Southern States, and as many a modern Text even, would have one believe. You do in all also have Nevada State, and which is the place in all again, one could very well refer to, and as New Spain: and as with it even, housing a large population in all, and as coming in from Spain in itself too actually. It is Nevada State in all again, and just where in all, Spanish in America, does actually originate from, and as with saying that, many a Mexican in America today, is actually Spanish in nature, and via Nevada State too actually; and as with it even, the very home of America's Employment Bureaus in all. Employment Bureaus too, and as with speak even, and of the very rise too, and of the 'Wild Wild West' in all.

In many a way, speak of Europeans having moved to America, or Euro-America and as the Blogger, does fondly refer to them, does speak in all again, and of settlements in California, Washington State, and even Milwaukee State in itself actually. That in all, America today, is not what it truly does appear to be like, and as with furtherly stating that, it pretty much does consist of, and in Patriotism and Ideology too, and of all the American States, and minus Florida State, New Mexico State, the State of Nevada, the State of California, and in all ways even, Euro-America in itself: and with Euro-America too, in many a way even, Media and Architecture, that many in all, have come to closely associate, and with America's Wealthy class in all again, but falsely so too that is; that genuine and real Americans in all again, are in in many a way even, not similar to American Television or Hollywood movies even, but are in all ways truly even, very much like Al Pacino or Robert DeNiro too.

Traditional America: