Thursday 19 July 2012

European Perspectives

European Perspectives.

Lisbon, 1755:

Europeans today, do tend to suffer alot, and from just how in all again, they do conceptualize themselves, and as a People too: this meaning, whom they are as Confident, Moral and Ethical persons that is. The reason for this, does very much appear, to do with a heavy even, misrepresentation, and of Nazi Germany's History too that is. That alot of material in all, and as pertaining to WW2, has been printed out in all again, and in many a way too, material now, used even by the UN in itself, and in attempting to describe, just whom Europeans truly are, and as Humane or Religious beings too, and outside the Church (European) that is.

In many a way, one does find that, many a European today, is highly even, afflicted by all this: the viewing in all, and of Europeans in general too, and as deep Closet Racists even, and such that, this has come to affect in all again, the general Personality, and of the average European too, and as with their wanting many a person out there, to respect them in all, and as worthy Humane beings that is; and not as being merely intelligent actually.

In all, one does find that, Nazi Germany's History, is often highly poorly presented in all, and as with the rather false belief that, the Nazi German Ranks, were all White or European too, or even the rather very false belief too that, all minorities seen in Europe then, did suffer the very same fate, and as supposedly in all again, 'European Jewish' populations, and as with Jews in Europe, never have been truly culturally European that is, in all again, did suffer actually.

In many a way perhaps, is to in all again perhaps too, best tell the average European that, and as with a self-perspective and of themselves and as a People too that is, that it would best in all again, for them, to re-direct how they do perceive themselves in all, and as a People too, and to the Events, that did take place, and in Lisbon, 1755 too: and as with not only speaking of the book above and by Edward Paice too, but that in all again, attempts to paint Europeans and as deep even, Closet Racists that is, fails to take into account the very fact that, most Europeans were never involved in the activities of Nazi Germany, and as with they even, not actually capable and of fitting into the highly Theological/Disciplined German world that is, but that in all truly even, their ability to move forward as a People, and not Individuals either, does lie in all again, and in not only knowing that similar Holocaust incidents in all, have occurred everywhere around the World, but that in all again, the very best way for one to truly perceive and see themselves, and a People too, is by judging oneself truly, and from the Events in all, and that did take place, and in Lisbon, 1755 too that is. In all, let this Historical Event, be the new defining Historical Event too, and by which many a European in all again, do judge themselves and as a People too, and not Individuals either, and as with regards truly even, to gaining a proper perspective on themselves, and as with the present day even, and as a People too that is, and in all ways even, allowing the average European too, to move on with their lives and as with the belief that, the events of 1755, and in Lisbon too, had very much to do then, and with Moral issues in all again, and as to be seen/found all over Europe today too that is: they being, just how in all, should one view themselves Morally, and as a People too, and not as Individuals truly either.