Monday 30 July 2012



Italy & Europe:

Many a person and in Europe too, truly do not just how in all, to best perceive Italy. Italy in many a way, while considered European somewhat, does however have hints/elements to it, and that does speak of Greek, and Greek Egyptian culture that is.

Historically, many a European, has been prone to view Italy in all, and from the very perspective, and of Italian Mysticism too : and as with this even, referring to Italian Wealth in all, and as with truly even saying that, Italian Mysticism, was much grander and deeper in its ways, than French Mysticism truly was.

For the average European today though, the main way of perceiving Italy in all, does lie with its Language actually : with that being Italian too. That Italian in itself, a Semite Language, and similar in its ways to Greek, or even similar Languages in all, and as seen in Egypt too that is, is perhaps in all again, the most comprehensive and comparative too, and of all European Languages that is. That Italian, is actually capable of taking the form of just about any European Language, from English, to French, to German, to Swedish, to Russian or even Scottish in itself actually : and as with English too, having first been spoken, and in an Arthurian fashion and in Italy too, and not in the known (Italian) Celtic version either. Having said this, is to also mention that, Italy today, and as lacking stature in all perhaps, does very much have to do, and with the kind of Italian, spoken in it : an Italian in all, somewhat Spanish in its ways actually, and not only speaking of the modern connection and between Spain and Italy today too, but also very much, the kind of Italian in all, one would very well associate, and with 'Little Italy' too for instance.

In all ways though, while the just mentioned above viewpoint, is a fine way of looking at Italy, the Blogger on the otherhand, Godric, does also recommend the viewing of Italy, and from the perspective of the Italian Church actually. That while in all again, Europe in all, was heavily defined by Gnostic Christianity, but with the Christian World too, Esoteric Christianity that is, very much enveloping Europe as a whole, the Italian Church is actually rather huge, and as with it even, housing 31 different forms of Religious modes in all: from Religion (Arthurian), to Occultism, to Spiritualism (Dante Alighieri), to Gnostic Christianity, to Esoteric Christianity (Christian), Theism, and even Animism, and all this amongst many others too that is; and with Religion too, very much speaking of the very realms, and of Theology, Ideology, Psychology etc. In all truly even, Italy too, and as very much considered, the very home, and of the Bible too that is.

In all ways even, is to also state that, Italy was very much Civilization, and as with telling many a European that, there is a part of Italy in all, they truly don't know too much about, and as with it even, speaking of the name Italy in itself too, and a sphere too, very much Greek, and Egyptian in its ways actually, and rather Mythological too, and as with it even, best embodied by none other than Giacomo Casanova himself, and the very world too, and of the rise of Mercantilism in all, and as borne of Christianity too, or even, the discovery in all again, and of the shores of America in itself, and the very birth too, and of old Boston in America that is : and as with this even, referring to Italian settlements in all, and in America too.