Sunday 29 July 2012



Copenhagen & Uppsala:

There is a tendency in all, and with those in Europe too, to primarily in all again, view Europe in itself, and as coming in from London too, and as with this referring even, and to having an International outlook in all, or even speak of a Global presence too that is. In many a way, this has had many a traditional European in all, coming to have an outlook on life in itself, and as highly based around Media and Celebrity figures in all, and as emanating from London too. The end result, has seen a growing social stratification, and in European Society in itself, and such that, there has been a huge rise and in competition too, and as based around Social Images in all, and as with they even, now said to truly define European Identities in all, and as very much based around the very pursuit of sex, money and pleasure in itself too, and as with this even believed, the very true purpose of living out life in itself actually. In all, a mentality too, that does connect Europe today, and to just about any other City and not Country truly either, and as with those in New York, Rio de Janeiro, Capetown, Sydney, Tokyo or even Cairo in itself actually, truly believing in all, that they can very well become somewhat European in name and nature too, and by attempting to infiltrate Europe in all, and via London's Media and Celebrity like figures actually.

In all again, is to tell those in Europe that, there is a much better way of viewing themselves, and socially too, and as it all, very much based around the very world too, and of the Norse that is. The Norse too, and as with one in particular referring to Denmark and Sweden too, while Norway in all, has mainly been influenced by the Vikings, and with Finland too, very much Lapland in its ways actually.

In many a way though, is to tell those in Europe that, and especially the traditionals too, that when they do think in all, and of viewing themselves and from a highly Local perspective in all, but with this in all again, referring to have an International outlook of a kind actually, then it is best in all again, to view Europe in itself, and as centered around the city of Uppsala and in Sweden too that is. When it however, does come to viewing Europe and from a Continent oriented basis, then it is best in all again, to mainly forget Germany and as perceived even, and via London's Media too in all, and instead, view the whole of Europe, and as centered mainly around the City of Copenhagen in itself, and Denmark too that is. In all ways even, this does speak of viewing the Local and the Continental in all again, and also the International and Global too, and very much from the world of Norse Mythology in itself, and as with even suggesting that, one can in many ways even, associate Uppsala in itself, and with Carl Linnaeus Gustav in himself, and Copenhagen too, and with Denmarks rather famed old Christian Kings that is : and as with they even, a symbol of Europe as truly Christian in its Worldview, and not Marxist or London either.